Ariel And Avigayil Lead 2024 Jewish Baby Names In Israel, But Mohammad Was Most Popular Name Overall

Israel’s Population and Immigration Authority has released its annual baby name statistics for 2024, revealing how ongoing conflict has influenced the names Jewish parents are selecting for their newborns.

While Avigail retained its top spot for girls and Mohammad remained the most common name overall, significant shifts were seen among Jewish boys’ names.

Ariel was the most popular name for Jewish boys, with 1,013 newborns receiving the name. Its rise to the top reflects a dual significance—Ariel is synonymous with Ariel Sharon, the military leader and former prime minister, and also means “Lion of G-d” in Hebrew.

Other names rising in popularity underscore similar themes. “Eliya” entered the top ten, while names like David, Oz, and Uri also experienced notable increases. The growing preference for such names reflects a broader societal trend of seeking divine protection and resilience through meaningful, powerful names, according to analysts.

Notable changes include “Yehonatan” dropping out of the boys’ top ten, making way for “Eliya.” On the girls’ side, “Leah” advanced from tenth to eighth place among Jewish babies, while “Libi” made the same climb in the general rankings.

Despite these shifts, familiar names continue to dominate. Mohammad remained the most popular overall name, though slightly fewer boys received it this year (1,740) compared to 1,777 in 2023. Among girls, Miriam saw a remarkable rise, securing second place with 1,015 babies named, up from 867 last year.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. I am flabbergasted that מנחם didn’t make it to very top name, with recent 30th Johrzeit of the Lubavitch Rebbe and of-course with Israel’s best Prime-Minister ever:- Menachem Begin זצקללה”ה

  2. The reason for the popularity of the name muhammed is that siblings are allowed to have the same name. In many families, all the boys are named Muhammed with another name, like muhammed Yousef or muhammed Abdul,and then they are called, simply, Yousef and Abdul, respectively.

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