Ancient Chashmonean Coin Hoard Uncovered In Jordan Valley During Chanukah

Photo: Shai Bar/The Zinman Institute of Archaeology.

A major archaeological discovery was unearthed in the Jordan Valley during Chanukah – a hoard of ancient coins minted under King Yannai (Alexander Jannaeus), one of the most influential rulers of the Chashmonean Kingdom (104–76 BCE).

The excavation, led by the University of Haifa’s archaeological team, uncovered the treasure within a previously unknown roadside complex along the banks of Nachal Tirtzah, a key route leading to the ancient Sartaba Fortress. The fortress was originally constructed under the reign of King Yannai and is well-documented in historical and numismatic records.

King Yannai, the son of Yochanon and great-grandson of Mattisyahu—leader of the Maccabees—was part of the revolutionary Chashmonean dynasty that established Jewish sovereignty following the rebellion against the Seleucid Empire. The uprising in 167 BCE, which Chanukah commemorates, led to the rededication of the Bais Hamikdash and the establishment of Jewish independence.

The excavation team, comprising Shai Bar from the Zinman Institute of Archaeology, Yoav Farhi, and Michael Osband, uncovered a mikvah, water reservoir, and other structures at the site. “The discovery of this site, particularly during Chanukah, carries deep historical resonance,” Bar said.

Yoav Farhi, curator of ancient coins at the Israel Museum, highlighted the rarity of the find. The coins, minted in 80 or 79 BCE, bear an eight-pointed star with an Aramaic inscription reading “King Yannai Year 25” on one side and an anchor with a Greek inscription on the reverse. “To find such a uniform and well-preserved cache is exceptional,” Farhi noted.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. Who is this “King Yonasan”? The person in question is known to us as King Yannai, a rosho who murdered many of Chazal, and the husband of Queen Shlomtzion, who was Shimon ben Shotach’s sister, and who took over the throne after Yannai died.

  2. It is actually a machlokes whether the famous yochanan kohen gadol was the father, son, or grandson (from shimon) of matisyahu. There is also a shitah in the gemara who holds yochanan and yannai are the same person

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