Civil Service Commissioner Investigating Alleged Corruption in Chief Rabbinate

According to a Kol Yisrael Israel Radio report on Sunday morning, Civil Service Commissioner Shmuel Hollander has ordered an investigation into alleged wrong-doing in the Chief Rabbinate involving Rabbi Ezra Raful, who oversees schita (ritual slaughter) abroad.

The limited report states there are complaints among employees that Rav Raful unilaterally decides who will travel abroad for schita, without discussion with others in the department. They allege that he maintains “too close a relationship” with meat companies, hinting at possible illegal activity.

The Office of Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger responding to the report stated that for now, a committee will be established to decide who travels abroad and the decision will no longer be left to one individual.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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