Israeli Historian: “I Grew Up On The Hatred Of Chareidim”

Dr. Tsvi Sadan. Screenshot/Melting Pot

Israeli historian Dr. Tsvi Sadan was interviewed by Shneor Webber on his ‘Melting Pot’ podcast – and spoke openly about the deep hatred of Chareidim he absorbed at the kibbutz he grew up in and his almost complete ignorance of Yiddishkeit.

Dr. Sadan grew up on Kibbutz Erez, which is currently evacuated of its residents as it is only a kilometer away from the Gazan border.

“As a child, I grew up on hatred for Chareidim,” he said. “I had no doubts about it. I remember one of my close friends saying, ‘If there’s a civil war here, I’ll be the first to grab a Uzi and go kill Chareidim.’ That was the atmosphere I grew up in.”

“Our kibbutz was neither ‘Shmutznik’ (Hashomer Hatzair) nor United Kibbutz. We were a kibbutz of the Union, which was the least ideological stream in the kibbutz movement, and even there, there was that sentiment of hatred of Chareidim.”

Dr. Sadan said he didn’t receive any Jewish education at the kibbutz – and they knew very little about Jewish tradition. “We learned Tanach as history, and although the word ‘Elokim’ appears in every perek at least once, ‘Elokim’ disappeared. He simply did not exist. It was unbearable for me to study Tanach in such a way. I didn’t understand why the supernatural was omitted from the story.”

However, he noted that a significant change has taken place in recent years: “Today, you can see shuls on many kibbutzim, even on the Hashomer Hatzair kibbutzim. This was something that would have been unfathomable during my time.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. The whole of the Zionist movement since the late 19th century was founded on the idea that Zionism’s primary goal was to “free” Jews from the yoke of Torah. Other matters, such as whether Eretz Yisrael was controlled by the Turks, Brits, Socialists, Capitalists, etc, were always secondary. The Zionists thought that by fighting the Chareidim they would win the respect of the world, which turned out to be folly.

  2. And then we wonder why these terrible horrible things happen in Israel
    So much hate…on all sides
    It’s so palpable

    This is the face of Zionism that the Dati Leumi refuse to see…..

  3. So thats the Yiddisha medinah we grew up with and told we’re self, hating Jew by being anti-Zionists?
    Look at these Israeli fundamentalists. Before they learned the first word they already knew to hate us. No matter the Chereidi Zionists or the anti-Zionist.
    So all you out there pandering to the Zionist regime, look yourself in the mirror. You were hated regardless.
    Now, to all you limited people , isn’t it so blatantly obvious that the Yidisha Medinah is as TREIF as PORK???

  4. Reading the comments one thing is obvious. The people writing them were also raised on hatred. Only in the oppisite direction. Without going into who is right, the education and sentiment of hating “them” is shared by too many members of both groups. In principle, neither have the right to complain about the other side espousing it. They do the same thing and educate the same way.

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