Sunday Times: Gilad Shalit is Being Held in Good Conditions

gilad2.jpgAccording to a report appearing in the Sunday Times Online, published in the United Kingdom, terrorists in Gaza insist Gilad Shalit is being held in good conditions, significantly better than “Palestinian prisoners held by Israel”.

Abu Khatab Doghmush, described as a “51-year-old elder of the Doghmush clan” insists the only ones who really know of Shalit’s whereabouts are members of the Kassam Brigades. He adds however, “I can tell you Shalit is living a paradise. Our religion of Islam demands that we look after prisoners even more than we do our own people.”

Doghmush rejected reports that he is in a dark or booby-trapped room, stating he is able to get fresh air and he is being held in good conditions.

Having spent three birthdays in captivity, he notes his birth date, August 28th, adding a cake with candles was given to mark the event and there was “music and everything,” seeking to impress Sunday Times reporter Christine Toomey, who visited Gaza, that the IDF soldier is not being tortured or abused.

They explain to Toomey that only Mahmoud Zahar can speak about Shalit and only the Kassam Brigades knows his whereabouts, warning she should not ask too many questions regarding the soldier in Gaza since they do not speak of him due to the risks involved.

In the meantime, Noam Shalit, Gilad’s father, had harsh words for Prime Minister Ehud Olmert over the weekend, stating the prime minister and his government is responsible to bring Gilad home and they are not doing enough.

Hamas on the other hand has taken an increasingly hard-line position following Israel’s Regev-Goldwasser prisoner exchange deal with Hizbullah, and Olmert’s continued willingness to release Arabs in good-will measures to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), significantly increasing the price for Shalit’s return. Hamas officials have stated that Israel’s refusal to comply with prisoner release lists presented by Hamas will ensure that Shalit becomes the next Ron Arad.

Arad is an air force navigator who fell into captivity over Lebanon in October 1986 and after Israel turned down a number of possibilities for a prisoner exchange, seems to have disappeared, with some believing he was sent to Iran. He is officially listed as missing in action.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. If he is eventually released, and reports favorably the terms of his captivity, it would mark a major turning point in the Arab-Israeli War. It would suggest that Israel might be better able to deal with Hamas than with the more secular Fatah party. However if he was well treated, they would be anxious to publicize by having him give interviews, email access, etc.. so it is very unlikely.

  2. Let us all daven that he is in fact alive and well. May he be released soon, so we can say that Ron Arad will be the next Gilad Shalit – may he and all the other MIAs follow in short order.

  3. Better conditions than the Izzys keep the yishmaelim yemach sh’mom??? I guess this poor guy is being kept in the Taj Mahal???!

  4. What a filthy lying terrorist piece of trash!! Hah! They made Gilad a birthday party with music and a cake! Their terrorist brethren enjoy Israeli prisons which are decent. May Hashem avenge all their atrocities speedily.

  5. What if Mr. Olmert’s sons were prisoners of terrorist Moslems, would he better understand the feelings of Shalit’s family and the suffering of Shalit himself? What about the cabinet ministers, what if their sons were such prisoners? Where are their feelings? We cannot believe the glib lies of Moslem terrorists: if they say the sun is shining, it is not. Hashem yeracheim!

  6. BS”D

    This is reminiscent of the show that the Nzis ymach shmom put on for the International Red Cross.

    The Doghmush Clan? Is this the Gaza version of the Ku Klux Klan?

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