Police Launch Investigation into Fake Death Notices Targeting Lapid and Attorney General

The Lahav 433 major crimes unit of the Israel Police has launched an investigation into false death notices circulated on social media, falsely claiming the deaths of Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara and Opposition Leader Yair Lapid, according to a report by the Walla news outlet.

Police reportedly suspect that the fake notices were intended as a form of incitement against the attorney general and the opposition leader.

One of the false notices read: “We announce the passing of the hated and traitorous adversary Gali Baharav Miara.” Another proclaimed the “passing of the national idiot Yair Lapid.”

Responding to the incidents, Lapid stated on Friday that he anticipated a “four-minute video of shocked condemnation in which Netanyahu condemns this clear incitement to murder the attorney general and the leader of the opposition” would soon follow.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. BD”E: ושם רשעים ירקב
    …Oh Fake Pachkevilin, anyways:
    ושם רשעים ירקב
    רשעים אף בחייהם נקראים מתים

  2. Ellul 1st & 29th of 5784 were both on a Wednesday & not on a Sunday, so there is nothing to prosecute anyone for instigating these posters, because they clearly were false just based on the date & day of the week.

  3. The fact that there is an investigation says everything about what a dictatorship Israel has become. Boruch Hashem in the USA no such investigation would be possible, because there is nothing even potentially criminal about the notices.

    The day will yet come when this Erevrav-Merara creature will hang from her heels like Mussolini.

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