ISRAEL: Rise in Respiratory Illnesses Prompts Health Ministry Warning

The Health Ministry has reported a significant rise in respiratory illnesses across the country, with 77 new cases of influenza confirmed in recent days.

Additionally, 240 new cases of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) have been identified. RSV, a common respiratory infection, can lead to severe complications, particularly in young children and older adults.

Health officials have noted a sharp increase in pediatric emergency room visits among infants under the age of two, driven by cases of bronchiolitis. This condition, often triggered by RSV, typically surges during the winter months.

In response to the growing number of cases, the Health Ministry is urging the public to get vaccinated against influenza and to adhere to strict hygiene practices to reduce the spread of respiratory illnesses.

“Respiratory illnesses can spread quickly, particularly in crowded or enclosed spaces,” the Ministry said in a statement. “Vaccination and proper hygiene are essential tools in protecting both individuals and the broader community.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. RSV is not new virus and has never been a major headline. Lookup FDA’s own findings on: Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Respiratory Disease (VAERD) in relation to mRNA “vaccines” – ironically on the Moderna new planned mRNA RSV vax which just had to be halted. ( fda[.]gov/media/184301/download ) Enough said on that alone.
    Separately (but not entirely since it was also mismanaged by govt.), there are some inmunologits saying that “the inmunity-debt” vacation we were forced to take on imposed lockdowns, will take over a decade to resolve.

  2. i’m running…
    wonder how much they make for each vaccine.
    we had enuf with the covid vaccine. when will people stop listening to these clowns?

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