Police Face Off With Charedi Demonstrators As Anti-Draft Fury Paralyzes Bnei Brak [VIDEOS]

Dozens of protesters from Peleg Yerushalmi blocked Jabotinsky Street in Bnei Brak on Monday evening, stretching from the Ramat Gan boundary to the Geha Junction, in response to new military draft notices sent to Charedim.

Although the group had initially announced plans to block Highway 4, they ultimately chose to occupy Jabotinsky Street instead—one of the area’s main thoroughfares. According to police statements, “An illegal demonstration is currently taking place on Jabotinsky Street in Bnei Brak. Israeli police officers are on-site and directing traffic to alternative routes. Jabotinsky Street in Bnei Brak is closed from Ben Gurion Street to the Geha Junction.”

Police further advised the public to “travel via alternate roads and remain updated at all times.” In an official statement, police said that while it recognizes the right to protest as a cornerstone of democracy, it will not tolerate any disruption to public order, obstruction of movement, or actions that may endanger public safety.

Protesters at the scene shouted slogans such as “We will die rather than enlist” and referred to the draft orders as “a decree of forced shmad.” They also hurled insults at police officers deployed to manage the demonstration.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

26 Responses

  1. when will the Zionists learn that it is OUR learning that is protecting them and that we have zero intention of ever serving in their army, its their experiment and their problem. The Torah protects us.

  2. If anybody send a child under age 18 to block a street where the risk of being hit by a car is high, and where a risk of getting hurt by resisting an arrest is high should lose his right to be a parent. The social services should take kids away from such families. You see here mostly young kids Who instead of being home or at the yeshiva, are fighting with the soldiers & police (who risk their lives in Gaza daily) and calling them all sort of nasty names. If someone above 18 and have enough time and strength to fight like some shown here, IDF should draft them to the army right away, as it’s hard to say he was learning Torah at the time. All of you are who are defending those protesters who actually block traffic, for mostly frum olam and emergency vehicles and don’t do anything positive but the Hillul Hashem, think what would you comment on BLM protesters & pro Hamas demonstrations who blocked cities in USA and resist the arrests.

  3. lakewoodbt:
    The Zionists are well aware that they, the Zionists, are the interlopers and destroyers of Judaism. The reason the evil Zionists target the chareidim is that the very purpose of Zionism is to change Jews and Judaism into heretical godless Zionists and Zionism.

  4. These demonstrations are DISGUSTING! To shout at the army and police””Nazis, we would rather die””. You bunch of hypocrites!! None of u have died in a yeshiva. Many of our friends who were learning in Yeshiva died in Gaza, Lebanon to protect the rockets that were being sent to your homes in Israel! They left young wives as widows, they left children as orphans, they left parents whose sons died an kidush Hashem whilst you stand on the street corner calling those who risked their lives in Gaza etc.. – Nazis. You are disgusting!! If u dont like it then go to America, Manchester but dont call us Nazis because we actually are risking our lives for YOU to be safe. SHAME ON YOU – CHILUL HASHEM – You do not know what Torah is – YOU SHOULD BE ARRESTED AND THROWN INTO JAIL ! you bring shame to the world of Torah!

  5. These demonstrations are DISGUSTING! To shout at the army and police””Nazis, we would rather die””. You bunch of hypocrites!! None of u have died in a yeshiva. Many of our friends who were learning in Yeshiva died in Gaza, Lebanon to protect the rockets that were being sent to your homes in Israel! They left young wives as widows, they left children as orphans, they left parents whose sons died an kidush Hashem whilst you stand on the street corner calling those who risked their lives in Gaza etc.. – Nazis. You are disgusting!! If u dont like it then go to America, Manchester but dont call us Nazis because we actually are risking our lives for YOU to be safe. SHAME ON YOU – CHILUL HASHEM – you bring shame to the world of Torah!

  6. the chareidim have a better chance at killing the draft when they say tehillim from the safety of the Bais Medrash. You know the anti-chareidi government is going to take actions that are much harsher than needed for these matzavim. this is a chillul Hashem & it’s just asking for for a chiloni riot

  7. this is useless! the chareidim have a better chance at killing the draft when they say tehillim from the safety of the Bais Medrash. You know the anti-chareidi government is going to take actions that are much harsher than needed for these matzavim. this is a chillul Hashem & it’s just asking for for a chiloni riot!

  8. No one learning is ever harmed. (Exceptions such as the Har Nof attack are different.)

    If their learning helps, and they had skin in the game, they wouldn’t be PROTESTING, they’d be moving to a BORDER TOWN in order to protect the country. Their force-field solution would help everyone, and we’d all see it.

    The proposition that those learning are protecting everyone else – exclusively and with no other intervention – is not only an untested hypothesis, it is an untestable and preposterous one. Misreading a gemarra about contributing money to a city’s wall is itself disqualifying in any rabbinical source who quotes it.

    I almost wish that “the evil zionosts” could take a weekend off so that we could watch the testing of the hypothesis.

  9. @lakewoodbt
    the reality is our Torah learning doesn’t protect rashuyim like these tziyonim. it only protects the side of holiness.

  10. What a disgrace and a massive חילול השם. This is not the conduct of true בני תורה. This is the conduct of בטלנים and yeshiva coffee room hockers. Those are the useful idiots who have been brainwashed by their religious political leaders and mentors and being used to push their political agendas. what is the point of causing chaos on the streets and acting like animals? if they don’t want to serve, they can either leave the country or go to jail which they don’t mind doing. Those nut jobs’ torah isn’t protecting anyone. Halevai their little bit of torah they know, which is all מן השפה ולחוץ and far from תורה לשם שמים was worthy enough to protect them, let alone protecting the entire nation like they walk around believing. The only protection Klal Yisrael has is from the הבל תורה של תינוקות של בית רבן שאין בו חטא and ל”ו צדיקים, not these wackos. The medina knows very well that 90% of these so called yeshiva boys aren’t true בני תורה מתמידים. it’s time to end this political craziness, and for the leaders on both sides to solve this draft issue privately and come up with a solution that works for everyone. Both sides have to compromise and give in. The “Zionim” of 100 years ago aren’t the same Zionim of today, and the so called “Bnei Torah” of today aren’t the same bnei torah of 100 years ago. By now everyone understands the makeup of the state. The Charedim have their freedoms with just about everything, better than any other country. The state is only asking from them to take part in the responsibility of protecting the land and it’s people from it’s many enemies. It’s very selfish to want others to fight for you and protect you while you seek the privilege of living in luxury and comfort.

  11. Lakewoodbt,
    Torah learning provides the best protection.
    Strange because during the Holocaust 70% of German Jews (90% Reform) survived while 80% of Chasidim did not.
    Shouldn’t it have been the other way around?
    (Let’s the excuses & rationalization begin…)

  12. If the Peleg Yerushalmi people do not want to be drafted,
    then they should go to live in Hungary.

    Some Charedim have already moved from Israel to Hungary,
    and they are happy there.

  13. To clarify once and for all. Stop calling the Supreme Court running the country and this draft order, zionists. They want us far from yiddishkeit as possible, love the terrorists and arrest those tht treat them not nice . They would give up the land bec they feel no holiness or ownership to it. The real zionists are those frum mitnachalim living at the borders protecting the yidden. Egrets yisroel must be protected not bec of the Medina but bec there are
    kah so many yidden there. So we must do what we can to save protect idden. One who is not a serious learner. Is obligated to go to the army. But true, the shame is tht the draft order came about out of hatred to chareidim. On One hand the Supreme Court woukd want to give away the land to those who are descendants of thise who had to flee, big nebach on them, so y then are u sending more fighters. They don’t make sense. They just trying all ways to collapse the govt bec they lost. They cannot accept they lost the election. These r NOT ZIONISTS.they are erev rav tht survived all the years, hellenists, yvsektsia etc

  14. For the life of me i just don’t understand why the police do not give a microphone to one of their female officers and have her sing her favorite song. It should send all the heilige bochurim scampering to flee the kol isha

  15. Anyone who Advocates that yeshiva boys are to stop learning and serve in that pritzus army is going AGAINST GEDOLEI YISRAEL. Who do you modern fakers think you are speaking against rav shternbuch?? Rav Landau, rav Hillel, rav yosef, rav segal?? Do you know what a low-life you have to be to speak against the greatest people in our generation that we have left? If you don’t agree then at the very least shut your mouth but don’t you dare go against the biggest rabbis when you don’t open one Torah book in your life. Shame on you

  16. There are more people learning today than at anytime in our history.
    Yet the amount of tzoros affecting us is also sadly very high.
    Hashem wants something from us that we’re not doing.
    I believe he wants the yidden to live together in peace and harmony.
    The chareidi world must figure out how to live in harmony with the rest of klal Yisroel.
    The non frum world must figure out how to live in harmony with chareidim.
    Period. Full stop.

  17. There is no heter to block traffic, no matter what the cause you are demonstrating for.

    The problem is that while this is true, the left do the same and much worse, and the police stand by and leave them alone, because they’re on their side. These so-called charedim are wrong and deserve to be arrested, but only if the leftists are also arrested. There cannot be two laws in the country, one for us and one for them. That invalidates the very concept of law, it makes the police illegitimate, and it becomes ish kol hayoshor be’einov ya’aseh.

  18. What are modoxers favorite words chillul Hashem their religion after bowing at the Zionist alter is chillul Hashem or maybe is it ahavat yisroel any way I digress

    If you dont join Washington rally with reform and Christian. Chillul Hashem

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