SHOCK IN OLAM HATORAH: Israel’s State Prosecutor Opens Probe Against Gedolei Yisrael

In an appalling turn of events, Israel’s State Attorney’s Office has launched a probe to investigate whether the statements of Gedolei Yisrael against the recruitment of Chareidim and orders not to report to draft centers constitute a criminal offense, Army Radio reported on  Sunday evening.

Among other things, the prosecution will examine the statements of HaGaon HaRav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, HaGaon HaRav Rabbi Dov Landau, and HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Yosef.

According to the report, the investigation began following a request from MK Efrat Rayten of the Labor Party, which was forwarded for examination to the Deputy State Attorney.

It should be noted that at this point, the probe is at a very early stage, but the news has been met with shock in the Olam HaTorah.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

53 Responses

  1. How perfectly suitable for Chanukah-time: The misyavnim vs the Torah-true Jews! Let us hope and pray that it doesn’t come to a civil war, ch”v…

  2. How dare they

    The ultimate peiros of the Zionist movement are on display
    Anyone who associates with Zionism in any way is a party to this Shanda of epic proportions
    The evil if zionists knows no bounds
    The greatest enemies that am yisroel have
    the greatest, without any hyperbole

  3. It looks like MK Efrat Rayten needs to do teshuva rather urgenty. Why do people have to wait chas veshalom for a Heavenly decree to correct them before they sort themselves out. This is such a disgrace to start mocking the Gedolei Torah. Hashem yerachem.

  4. What should the Israel’s State Attorney’s Office do, pass a law and turn a blind eye to those that speak out against it? There is no comparison to Hellenists. They are not going after all things Torah only after those that they consider may have broken the law.

  5. Anti-Zionist garbage in these comments: this has nothing to do with Zionism you ignorant bots. The crushing majority of “Zionists” oppose these moves. You can be a Zionist and a ben Torah. In fact, I have no doubt in my mind that a Zionist’s limud is worth aseret monim over your fake learning. You have your own hateful religion that is completely disconnected from Judaism.

    Enjoy the gallut; you have no chelek in Eretz Israel and surely not be redeemed.

  6. So the day has finally come, a direct confrontation between secularism and Torah Judaism – right in time for Hanukah no less

    Let’s remind everyone who won that time…

  7. Yemach Sh’mom V’zichrom. Who do they think they are? They don’t even come up to the toenails of the gedolim. They are lower than the animal poo that’s on the street.

    Let them just try to arrest gedolim. Do that in the country is gone. It’s exactly what it is, it’s the state of Israel, not Eretz Yisroel. We need Eretz Yisroel!

  8. Tonight, all over the world, thousands upon thousands of people are celebrating the 80th anniversary of the freeing of the Rebbe of Satmar zt”l from the Holocaust.
    We should all join with them since he was so very right about the evil Zionists.

  9. Just as Omicron spelt the beginning of the end of Corona, this probe is spelling the beginning of the end for the evil wicked supreme court & A.G. and all their like minded cohorts [including the guy speaking incoherent statements in T.A. last night].

    The Earth is about to swallow them all up.

  10. I don’t know why it’s shocking. If that’s the law, that’s the law. The gedolim obviously should prioritize the law of Torah above the law of the land. But why is it shocking when non-religious prioritize the law of the land over that of a religion?

  11. The erev rav arurim didn’t learn their lesson from one October 7. Maybe another one will help. Because that’s literally what they are begging for

  12. Ho hum- boring! What else is new. You think this wasn’t going to happen. When you are brain dead, anything goes. I live in Israel and have been waitnig for this. These leftist are like Paroh. They don’t learn their lesson from oct. 11th. Really tottaly brain dead. Do you think these gedolim really care about this.absoluly not. They have the klal to run.

  13. This is not and has never been about Zionism. It has to do with lefty atheists who have no respect for a large part of the country’s people and want to impose their leftist ideology upon them. The Gedolim are standing in the way of that.

  14. To AC23, I respect you as you are openminded, however you are completely ignorant of what zionism is. Zionism means sewage. A ben torah and being a zionist is like being a ben torah and erev rav.Reb Elchonon cslled them erev Rav. Obviously you know nothing about zionism. Read Hertzl’s (שמר”י) diarys and you will see what zionism is. Pure 100% sewage.

  15. Not shocked at all by this news, unfortunately it’s been redundant so many times, that by now there’s “major distrust between the Israeli government and the rabbinical establishment.the deference is this time it became more noticeable with media coverage articles, hopefully the Ais Tzara will vanish from the world, and judaism will flourish once again with all the כח

  16. Should the secular government have the *power* to draft chareidim? I think yes.

    Should they *exercise* that power? Debatable. Sometimes. Depends.

    Should they pick this fight with chareidim in this way at this time? IMHO, No.

    When the gedolim demand publicly that bachurim be criminals, could that be considered criminal? Of course.

  17. Shock? I think not.

    Eizehu chcham? Haro’e es hanolad. This was absolutely predictable – and the false outrage does not change anything.

    an Israeli Yid

  18. This method won’t work, they’ll just dig in their heals. Just cut all funding because there’s no reason the government has to financially support anyone. Without pressuring the Chareidim too much, many will cave in because of the financial pressure.

  19. dreambig, ac23, LuckyStrike – As The whole intention to draft Bnei Torah and even more to punish all even not drafted Bnei Torah by cutting their financial support is SOLELY TO ERADICATE TORAH FROM HOLY LAND

  20. kinsler: The Zionists were in cahoots and allied with Nazis, assitsting them to exterminate European Jews so that the Zionists could gather world sympathy on the blood of the Jews they sent to their deaths in order to establish their treife medina.

    Rudolf Kastner ym’s, the Hungarian Zionist, alone sacrificed over 500,000 Hungarian Jews in order for him to get one train load that was filled mostly with his immediate and extended families and his Zionist colleagues.

  21. If the government of China discovered that a Chinese citizen was telling other Chinese citizens to NOT join the Chinese Army, that Chinese citizen would vanish, and never be seen ever again.

    If the government of Russia discovered that a Russian citizen was telling other Russian citizens to NOT join the Russian Army, that Russian citizen would vanish, and never be seen ever again.

    If the government of Iran discovered that an Iranian citizen was telling other Iranian citizens to NOT join the Iranian Army, that Iranian citizen would vanish, and never be seen ever again.

  22. What square root is saying is that Israel wants to be a nation like all other nations

    What the Torah says is ve’avdil eschem min haamim lehiyos li

  23. kinsler:
    The Zionists are, as the Satmar Rav put it, the arsonist who them comes running with the fire hose. They should never have started and contributed to the massive conflagration they made and extended, including the Holocaust and the cataclysmic mess in Eretz Yisrael and elsewhere that the evil Zionists made.

  24. As the Chazon Ish stated, we will wake up one morning to find that the Zionist “State” has simply ceased to exist. Looks like that morning is coming much, much sooner than many expect.

  25. AWeiszguy:
    The Zionists are in fact the real self-hating Jews. You and your ilk will surely realize your error when Mashiach comes, but hopefully before then.

  26. You don’t have to quote the most evil regimes in the world and tell us that we should live by those standards too. Everyone here knows that nothing happens when those Air Force pilots were told not to report because they had issues with the government, or when the media lights fires against Netanyahu everyday, or that Thug lapid who does it every day. The people hating on bnei torah have 0 issue that a million Arab citizens don’t serve in any way anything, and they collect enough benefits (tax exemptions, university tuitions, all sorts of scholarships and stipends) that could torah learners for many years. Yet you never hear anyone calling for their benefits to be canceled or that they should lose their citizenship because they can’t contribute. Show your true colors and say you hate the Torah because that’s the only explanation

  27. Square root, what is your point? That the state of Israel is an oppressive regime like Russia, China, and Iran? You might actually have a point, then. But in free countries like America, they don’t arrest people for encouraging people not to join the army, even when there is an active draft.

  28. @UJM,

    I have a simple question for you and any Satmar Chussid that might be able to answer me.
    Why when thousands and tens of thousands of Ehrliche Yidden were saved from destruction in 1967 did the Satmar Rebbe proclaim that its Maaseh Satan, but when he himself was saved through Kastner whom you document (above) as an immense Rusha do you celebrate that day as a Nes Gudol??????

  29. Many of the early Zionists were indeed rotten to the core and did not care that Jews were being murdered by the Germans, even welcomed it, but, as R’ Yaakov Kaminetzky zt’l and others have said, the fact that the State of Israel provided a homeland to Jews after the awful Churban, when nobody wanted them, should mitigate our kana’us toward the State. You need to be completely blind not to see how in many significant ways the secular state of Israel has been beneficial for frum Jews over the years. And in any event, many of today’s Israels are not secular ideologs and athiests like the old Zionists. Everyone wants to be cool and curse them out, but at the same time use their services. The root of this attitude is not ahavas yisrael but sin’as yisrael.

  30. most of the comments here are very funny. somehow the outrage of the entitled drowns out any and all common sense, even dragging in the rescue of the szatmar rebbe! (who was rescued by those “evil zionists” just by the way.)

  31. Such a hate filled bunch of comments!
    What religion do you practice???
    Where is all this שנאת ישראל coming from?
    Who are your teachers that taught you to hate another Yid?

    I am shocked at YWN for publishing 99% of these comments!

    Shame on you!!!!

    I am glad not to have been raised in your HATE FILLED קרייזן.
    ס’ ווילטס זאך אויסברעכן


  32. Obviously all these comments are from good Yidden who do not live in Israel and are unaquanteed with the politics here. The whole story of drafting our Bochurim is about, and only about, getting rid of Bibi Natanyahu, period.

  33. @mordechai hayehudi As a charedi living in EY, you must be aware of the seismic shift of attitude toward chareidi non service since simchas torah among the DataL and Charadal communities, right? I am. It’s not just about Bibi, though the Deep State pushes may be.

  34. Among the “thousands upon thousands of people [who] are celebrating the 80th anniversary of the freeing of the Rebbe of Satmar zt”l from the Holocaust” did anyone mention that it was the Zionists who saved him by putting him on a train out of Hungary — the very train that ujm spits upon?

  35. Imagine if Yehoshua went to fight Amalek and the Charedim refused to go. Only Leviin were exempt. The current war is Milchemes Mitzvah and Pikuach NEfesh. They can ask for support positions and totally separate units but to claim that the Chayalim are their “servants” like garbage men is the height of Gaiva and Sinis Chinom.

  36. How come nobody here has anything to say about the endless thousands of families in which the husband/ father has been away from his kollel/ job/ wife/ children for months on end and sacrificing his health and sometimes his life, while there are tens of thousands of young charedi men available, many of whom are not even learning, who could have given them a break?

  37. jzuck: Adolf Eichmann saved the Rebbe, since it was Eichmann who authorized and sent the train.

    Are you suggesting we celebrate and thank Eichmann or Eichmann’s right-hand man, Hungarian Zionist leader Rudolf Kastner, who worked with Eichmann to ship over 500,000 Hungarian Jews to Aushwitz.

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