WATCH: Foaming From His Mouth, Lapid Rants & Raves: “Get Out Of Our Lives!”

Lapid rages during his speech at the left-wing protest in Tel Aviv. (Screenshot)

Along with his new beard, opposition leader Yair Lapid seems to have acquired a bottomless pit of rage, displayed in all its glory in an unhinged speech at the weekly left-protest in Tel Aviv on Motzei Shabbos.

Like leftists all over the world, people who have nothing truthful or constructive to say instead rant and rage and spew out lies, and that’s exactly what Lapid did. His speech was so irrational that after footage of the speech was circulated on social media, many users expressed shock, with some questioning his mental health, asking, “Is there a doctor in the audience?”

During the speech, Lapid screeched: “We’re here. We won’t give in. We’re the majority!” [So why did they lose the elections?]

“A complete majority,” Lapid lied again, “of impressive people who want to live in a democracy and believe that this destructive government needs to get out of our lives.”

“Bibi isn’t really getting stronger,” Lapid continued, denying recent polls that say the opposite. “The coalition barely has 50 mandates.” [Conveniently ignoring the fact that following Gideon Sa’ar’s reentry into Netanyahu’s government, the coalition’s majority increased from 64 to 68.]

Lapid then continued screeching, claiming that the right-wing sector is terrified of the left because the left will win the next elections.

Shockingly, although Israel is still engaged in a serious war against the enemies of all Jews, right and left, Lapid then concluded his speech with a war cry against the majority of Jews in Israel: “You want a war, you’ll get a war!”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. “Democracy”?? where the A-G and lowlife kangaroo court strike off any law and decision made by the elected officials!!??

  2. If it wasn’t dangerous, I’d say he’s actually funny! He sounds like Sharpton! Sadly he is יהודי, from גזע אברהם and from חם. But everyone CAN do Teshuva.

  3. “Like leftists all over the world, people who have nothing truthful or constructive to say instead rant and rage and spew out lies, and that’s exactly what Lapid did.“

    Meaning to say democrats in America too

    Note im not the one saying it, it’s the editors own words

  4. His views are more of a centrist, similar to the former “Liberal” party (which was pro-capitalist, and fairly right-wing, and eventally merged with Herut), The major difference in Lapid is that he is a secular fanatic whose hatred of frumkeit makes him “left”. But for his bigotry against us, he would be happy as part of Likud.

  5. Theres a programme in Australia called the Lefties Losing It, well heres a good example. One of the many. If he would learn Torah, he would find out its a sin to get angry, cause in anger we are capable of anything. Its one of our traits we have to tweak

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