CRY ME A RIVER: Hezbollah Chief Says “Arms Supply Route Via Syria Is Lost”

Hezbollah chief Naim Qassem. (Screenshot)

Hezbollah chief Naim Qassem made a televised speech on Saturday and said that the terror group’s arms supply route through Syria has been severed due to the fall of the Assad regime, Reuters reported.

In his first comments since the Assad regime fell last Sunday morning, Qassem, said: “Yes, Hezbollah has lost the military supply route through Syria at this stage, but this loss is a detail in the resistance’s work.”

“A new regime could come and this route could return to normal, and we could look for other ways,” he added.

Regarding the rebel groups currently ruling Syria, Qassem said that Hezbollah “cannot judge these new forces until they stabilize” and “take clear positions”, but said he hoped that the Lebanese and Syrian peoples and governments could continue to work together.

“We also hope that this new ruling party will consider Israel an enemy and not normalize relations with it. These are the headlines that will affect the nature of the relationship between us and Syria,” Qassem said.

Iran for years used Syrian territory, with the cooperation and aid of the Assad regime, to transfer missiles and arms to its proxy Hezbollah to attack the Jewish state.

(YWN’s Jerusalem desk is keeping you updated after tzeis ha’Shabbos in Israel)

One Response

  1. Can yeshiva world try not using blatant references to goyishe culture in their headlines.

    Who is your audience? Even baalabatishe ppl I think don’t think you’re cool

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