WATCH LEVAYA: Yehoshua Simcha, H’YD Murdered After Terrorist Opens Fire On Bus

A ten-year-old boy was critically injured and several people were moderately and lightly injured late Wednesday night when a terrorist opened fire on a 291 bus on the way from Beitar Illit to Jerusalem.

Sadly, the boy, Yehoshua Aharon Tuvia Simcha, H’yd, of Jerusalem died of his wounds shortly after reaching the hospital. He is the son of HaRav Zusha Simcha, the Rosh Yeshivah HaKlal Chassidus in Beitar Illit and a well-known marbitz Torah in the city. The family, who lives in Jerusalem, were on their way home from Beitar Illit, where the last Sheva Brachos of their daughter, who got married last Thursday, was held.

The bus driver, who was injured in the shooting, continued driving until he reached the tunnel checkpoint, where the victims received emergency medical aid. The boy was evacuated to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital and a woman in her 40s from Jerusalem who was moderately injured, and two others who were lightly injured, were evacuated to Shaare Tzedek Hospital.

Watch the levaya below:

The hospital later issued a statement saying: “Unfortunately, after intensive and prolonged resuscitation attempts, the staff was forced to declare the death of the boy who was evacuated in critical condition to the trauma unit at Hadassah Ein Kerem. Our hearts are with the family at this difficult time.”

The terrorist fled the scene and the IDF launched an intensive manhunt for him, setting up roadblocks and surrounding Beit Lechem. The terrorist turned himself in at about 10 a.m. on Thursday morning.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. It’s Israel’s fault, the U.N. will undoubtedly declare!
    Nebech, a Yiddish child was killed! He has parents! Oy gevalt

    ברוך דיין האמת
    זאל דער רבונו של עולם רחמנות האבען

  2. Yaapchik* why is it Israel’s fault? Plus the UN is not particularly a sentiment to any favorability Turds the Medina, for a bad reasons and for good reasons as well, from here blaming Israel for the murder of this Nebach Tzon Kdoshim child is no more than pathetic, it was an עישב שונא ליעקב situation, same applies to Tzvi Kogan and that Yidisheh man recently in Chicago. The point is that Yiddim are dying On Kidush Hashem, simply for serving the Haybishteh.

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