PASSED! Resolution Forcing Knesset To Discuss Firing Attorney-General

Likud MK Avichai Boaron. (Noam Moskowitz/Knesset spokesperson)

A resolution to force the Knesset to hold a special hearing on firing Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara was passed in the Knesset on Wednesday evening.

The proposal, “The Conduct of the Attorney-General and the Damage to the Public,” was submitted by Likud MK Avichai Boaron. The opposition boycotted the vote and the resolution passed 51-0.

Boaron said: “The proposal addresses a very sensitive issue on the agenda of Israeli society. This proposal pertains to the governance of the executive branch and its ability to implement its policies. This proposal also raises the fundamental question of whether the people are in control of the state, whether the Knesset is led by elected representatives of the people, and whether it still serves as a principled compass for the Israeli government.”

As the opposition members screamed and yelled their objections to the proposal, Justice Minister Yariv Levin said: “When one side shouts in such a manner, it indicates that it has long ceased to be about professional opinions but rather about political outbursts. This is not how we work, we can’t continue like this. I hope that the government will be able to convene around appropriate decisions to improve the intolerable situation regarding this matter.”

The proposal was first submitted last week but the opposition “tricked” the coalition and the bill failed to pass.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. The fact that the attorney general can have more power than the Prime Minister or any other elected official in the country is absolutely positively asinine !

    This was not always the case in the medina. This changed under leftist control when Netanyahu was not in office. There is a reason that Netanyahu was pushing for this thing over there called Justice reform. Justice reform was causing the left to go absolutely positively bonkers but it’s necessary otherwise you have an attorney general or judges who decide they don’t like something because they’re leftists and they cancel laws for no reason.

  2. Is this a joke? You don’t think they’ve wanted to fire her from day one? You cannot fire her, the Supreme Court will reinstate her it’s one of their best friends. Waste of time

  3. It’s only a reslotion to force them to discuss. And discuss some more. She will stay in office. Or another puppet it makes no difference. Rothschilds own the supreme court and most of the land in the country. They own the state. The kneset is just a theatre of opium to the masses, to give the illusion that their interests are being represented.

  4. rebEmes- you have to do your Histadlus, no?
    We should all be Zocha to have the true Sanhedrin restored to us quickly and all the Eirav Rav punished accordingly. Amen

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