Dramatic Progress: Coalition To Formulate Chareidi Draft Law Within A Week

The coalition has been working toward formulating a Charedi recruitment law and intends to formulate an initial draft of a bill within a week, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported on Tuesday evening.

In addition, Defense Minister Yisrael Katz clarified in discussions with Chareidi representatives that the law will not include criminal sanctions.

Katz and Defense Ministry officials held numerous meetings with relevant parties regarding a recruitment bill in recent days. Katz met with Degel HaTorah MKs regarding the issue on Monday evening.

UTJ MK Uri Maklev leaving Defense Minister Yisrael Katz’s office on Monday evening.

On Sunday, former Shas Minister Ariel Attias met privately with the Defense Ministry’s legal advisor. Later in the week, Minister Katz met with Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara regarding the law.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. the zionists realize that we are loyal to the Torah and not their temporary political game, it is incompetable for a frum yid to serve the Zionists.

  2. Over sixteen years ago was on har hazesim think it was ohr hachaim yarzite so people went there, when it was day time decided to walk around a little, saw the grave of rabbi gershon of kitover the relative of the baal shem there was this bachor that for some reason came to greet me don’t remember if he was in the army, decided to strike a small conversation to see his intentions, and remember telling him in Hebrew ” in our days we will take Syria” he said no, but the prophesy came to light and happened, sadly the winners was the bad rebels not the kurds this is cause we couldn’t beat the god system of time, but now it’s happening the bachurim are going to fight in Syria for safety but hashem knows what’s on moshiachs calendar

  3. @lakewodbt , if the secular and religious Zionists decided tomorrow to boycott the draft and not serve, any sane person would be wondering how they could do something so lacking in common sense that would endanger so many Yidn. If there is one thing the rest of Am Yisrael hopefully has learned this year, it is that serving in the IDF is not service of Zionists. The Chayalim are righteously defending the lives of all Am Yisrael who are zocheh to live in Artzeinu HaKedosha. That being said, sadly, the recent political machinations of the left in Israel, issuing 8000 draft orders against the advice of Tzahal military officials, disrupting limud HaTorah, and causing more hatred between Jews is truly the act of the Eirev rav. However, the leaders in the Army are moving in a direction that will eventually make it possible for many Torah loyal men to serve without compromising an iota of Halacha. The army brass is very motivated to accomodate the Chareidim because within the next generation there will not be many other people from other groups left to serve due to the negative birth rate among the secular Israelis. And, the army brass of Tzahal correctly value hishtadlus in defending Jewish lives. Look in Rabbeinu Bachya’s hakdamah to Parshas Sh’lach for the only statement by a Rishon as to how much Hishtadlus al pi derech hateva is required for Am Yisrael to exert when preparing to fight a war. You might be surprised. Or you will just reject it because you think that arguing with a rishon and with basic common sense is a smart idea.

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