Livni Leads in Kadima Polls

Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni is maintaining a significant lead against the second place candidate in the Kadima polls, Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz, ahead by 15%. In the most recent poll, days ahead of the Kadima Party primary elections, Livni emerged with 47% of the vote against Mofaz’s 32%.

The latest poll was conducted by Dr. Mina Tzemach of the Dahaf Institute, published today, Friday. The other candidates, Interior Minister Meir Sheetrit and Public Security Avi Dichter are too far behind to present any real challenge in the leadership race.

The Dahaf poll was conducted among 850 people representing a cross-section of the registered Kadima Party voters.

Surprisingly, when asked “who would you rather have responding to the red phone at 3:00am, 41% stood with Livni over Mofaz, who earned 34%, despite the fact that he is a former defense minister and former IDF chief of staff. Livni however is a former Mossad Intelligence Agency agent.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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