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DRAMATIC MOVE: Israel Captures Syrian Chermon In First Since Yom Kippur War

In a dramatic move, the IDF on Sunday afternoon re-captured the Syrian side of Har Chermon, expanding the buffer zone along the Syrian border and several other important defensive posts.

It marks the first time Israel has controlled the Syrian Ramat Hagolan in decades.

Sources told Ynet that Israeli Air Force commandos from the elite Shaldag unit captured the highest peak of the Chermon on the Syrian side. The operation was carried out without any resistance.

The Chermon mountain range is considered a strategic defensive area as it overlooks the entire area. The post enables IDF forces to foresee possible invading forces and offers a firing range over other peaks, making it a critical observation and defense asset.

IDF forces on the Syrian side of the Chermon.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Mr sensibleyid sir, Please don’t worry about opinions now. If you ever go up there like I have, you will see how one has an unrestricted view of the Israeli villages below and can look into the back door of many houses and other buildings. This is a strategic area enabling those devoted to protecting Israel to maintain essential control. This is a real brocho min hashomayim to have this area back again.

  2. @sensibleyid is there a different brakhah for capturing an enemy position depending on the tribe that once lived there, 3,000 years ago?

  3. Until YOm Kippur 1973, the IDF was up there and had the strategic view of everything the Syrian Army was doing and STILL was caught off guard on Yom Kippur. Don’t put your faith in anything except HaShem

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