Emergency Meeting At HaGaon HaRav Landau’s Home: “Don’t Respond To Any IDF Summons”

Kenes held at HaGaon HaRav Landau's home. Photo: Mendy Roth

Rabbanim, Roshei Yeshivos, and the Degel Hatorah MKs on Tuesday evening gathered for an emergency meeting regarding the status of bnei yeshivos in the wake of the Attorney-General’s and Supreme Court’s war against Torah.

The meeting was held at the home of HaGaon Harav Dov Landau in Bnei Brak and attended by the members of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah: HaGaon HaRav Dovid Cohen, HaGaon HaRav Shraga Shteinman, HaGaon HaRav Aviezer Piltz, along with the Roshei Yeshivos of leading yeshivos in Eretz Yisrael.

HaGaon HaRav Landau said: “Everyone is aware of the severe situation we’re in after the judicial authorities revoked the status of bnei yeshivos. For all these years, they exempted the bnei yeshivos and avreichei kollelim from the draft and recently they’re attempting to change this accepted norm. Therefore the order was given not to report at all to the draft centers, not to respond to any summons and not to cooperate with them at all.”

“It’s clear to all of us that bnei yeshivos will not enlist in any shape or form but the unclear situation we are in causes legitimate fear and tension for Roshei Yeshivos and their talmidim, as well as for families whose sons have received some order or another. Unfortunately, the number of bnei yeshivos receiving orders is increasing.”

“And therefore, we have gathered here to make the situation as clear as possible for the Roshei Yeshivos so they can guide their talmidim based on what will be discussed here. First, it is important to know that the Chareidi MKs are working hard to find a permanent solution for this whole situation, and everything is being carried out with serious consultation and consideration. We all daven and hope that a solution will be found soon, that the Olam Ha Torah can be immersed in Limmud without interruptions. However, for the time being, until a solution is found, everyone must operate in coordination and unity, and it is forbidden for anyone to act independently, as this could create a situation where harm is caused to individuals and the community.”

“I personally know that the askanim working on this matter, which is of utmost importance to the Chareidi sector, are handling it with great responsibility, dedicating hours upon hours, and closely monitoring every change and development, all to ensure that no bochur, chalilah, is harmed. Later, general information will be presented to the Roshei Yeshivos regarding the situation and the practical implications for anyone receiving such orders, along with guidance on what to do and what not to do, and later they will inform the Roshei Yeshivos and yeshiva administrators where to turn when a talmid receives a call from the army or, chalilah, faces a threat of arrest, and so on.”

“The Roshei Yeshivos will guide their talmidim accordingly, and it is imperative to adhere to the guidelines so that we can preserve the Olam HaTorah. May Hashem Yisbarach save us and grant us the opportunity to engage in Torah day and night without any interruptions, and may we merit complete redemption speedily in our days, Amen.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. The idf has no need for personal with chulent boychs even they go 99 percent would fail the physical and sent back to kvech deh bahnk.

  2. Shouldn’t there be a call for no protests outide and no violence against police?? Shouldn’t there be a a call for no protests outide and no violence against police?? Shouldn’t there be chinuch not to call the police or army personnel “nazis”?? Shouldn’t there be a call that we dont lower ourselves to fight the way non Bnei Toirah do???
    Maybe even an atzeres Tfillah——ais tzarah … send message to all that we rely on Hashem with our expresions of davening.

  3. Two out of five of the dozens of bachurim I have spoken to want to serve in the IDF at some point in the future, when they are spiritualy ready.
    Their reason is not because they support secular zionism, but because they view protecting the Jewish people as a zechus that should be performed by the biggest Yirei Shomayim.
    The war against Torah is imagined.

  4. Chareidi amiti

    I guess the gedolim have a good imagination
    You should also know that there is no greater protection for Am Israel than sitting in the Bais Medrash learning Torah

    What you said is an oxymoron, it is impossible to be spiritually read any to join the idf

  5. Zionist amiti:
    That means they are “chareidi” like you. “Spiritually ready” for shmad? That’s like (or, actually, much worse than) someone saying he wants to join a church when they are “spiritually ready”. We pray every day to not be tested. Yet you claim there are chareidim who want to be faced with being shmaded in the Zionist army?

  6. @Chareidi Amiti – that is a good start – may the 40% who believe in actually following Torah – not just memorizing it – be a positive influence on the remaining 60%. I do note, though, that they’re better than the Dor Mitzrayim – there, only 20% followed the Dvar Hashem to leave.

    @lbj – thank you for giving me a way to be dan leaders l’kaf zechus and attribute their statements to their having a good imagination – else, I would have continued to think they are meizidim in their leadership their followers. Instead, I can think of them as shogegim – they imagine something, and think of it as true. They’re still not onsim because they could go out and see what the facts on the ground actually are, but still – it’s an improvement.

    an Israeli Yid

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