MK Reveals: “Ministers Are Afraid To Vote For Attorney-General’s Ouster”

Likud MK Moshe Saada. (Channel 12/Screenshot)

In light of the investigations against senior officials in the Israel Prison Service (IPS) and the police by Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara and the State Prosecutor’s Office, Likud MK Moshe Saada, who served for a year as acting head of the Police Investigations Department and for about seven years as deputy head of the department, claims that ministers from Likud are afraid to vote for the dismissal of the Attorney-General due to concerns that an investigation will be opened against them.

Speaking on Radio Galey Israel, Saada said: “I’m telling you from personal knowledge – following the investigation of Israel Prison Service Chief Kobi Yaakobi yesterday, the investigators told him that he must not return to the IPS right now, but why? They didn’t take him to court for that, as is done when a person receives restrictions after an investigation and is not willing to comply. Why didn’t they take him? Because he is courageous and knew they had nothing.”

“So he did return to the meeting that was held yesterday – and they didn’t take him to court! Is it not clear to anyone that they’re persecuting him? They arrested him in a reckless and dangerous manner; his bodyguards approached the civilian vehicle that came to arrest him with their guns drawn. The detectives who arrested him didn’t even wear hats identifying themselves.”

“It’s time for the ministers to honor themselves, and instead of expressing themselves in the media – they should start to initiate a move to dismiss the Attorney-General. The ministers are afraid to vote in favor because they know they will be the next ones investigated. I’m telling you there are ministers in the government who are afraid to vote for the dismissal of the Attorney General because they fear her and the system.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. It is important to remove the current Attorney General and instead appoint someone responsive to the PM. Judicial reform is urgently needed. It is undemocratic to permit an unelected judicial system, in which judicial appointments are not made by the electorate or by persons elected by and responsive to the electorate, to have final say over aspects of governmental action. This must be corrected.

  2. The AG and the High Court are the most undemocratic institutions in Israel today. They dictate to everyone how a law should be worded, implemented, and enforced. If that’s not dictatorship, what is.
    They do this under the guise of protecting democracy. It reminds me of the era of the communist regime in the Soviet Union.

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