Reb Chaim Balter zt”l

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman

Today, the Torah world grieves deeply at the devastating loss of an extraordinary tzaddik, brilliant talmid chochom, beloved father, devoted husband, and selfless philanthropist – Rabbi Howard Balter zt”l.

He was a towering scholar whose masterful shiurim at Agudas Yisroel of Long Island captivated all who heard them. His electrifying lessons were marked by penetrating analysis and an unwavering pursuit of truth. With boundless energy and intellectual fire, he would delve into the most complex aspects of a Minchas Chinuch, skillfully presenting multiple perspectives while illuminating the path to deeper understanding. Even as illness ravaged his body, his brilliant mind and passionate dedication to Torah learning never dimmed.

Reb Howie’s boundless generosity touched countless lives. Beyond sponsoring major Torah works like the Encyclopedia HaTalmudis, his heart overflowed with compassion for others. In his characteristic humility, he quietly sponsored seminary tuition for Baalos Teshuvah who could not afford it, and even funded entire weddings for brides in need – never seeking recognition or praise.

His dedication to Torah study was absolute. Every morning found him immersed in learning at Yeshiva of Far Rockaway, setting an inspiring example of unwavering commitment. He exemplified the highest ideals of Torah living through his exceptional relationship with his children, his model of shalom bayis, and his steadfast adherence to Torah principles in every aspect of life. Throughout his illness, countless hearts poured out in fervent prayer for Reb Chaim Shlomo Ben Rochel.

The world feels immeasurably darker without his radiant presence and profound influence.

The levaya will take place this morning December 3rd, 2024 at 10:00 AM at Agudath Israel of Long Island, 1121 Sage Street, Far Rockaway. The Kevura will be in Israel. May the family find solace among the mourners of Tzion and Yerushalayim, and may his memory be an eternal blessing and inspiration to all who knew him.


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