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WATCH: Gallant Visits 770 At Kinus Hashluchim: “I Led The War As A Shaliach Of Hashem”

Former Israel Defense Minister Yoav Gallant visited Chabad World Headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway on Sunday night, as the annual Kinus Hashluchim concluded.

“I come here to Brooklyn, to 770, for the first time since the difficult war forced upon us,” Gallant said. “And I want to say to you that this war brought us to unprecedented achievements in the zechus of two things – the zechus of the IDF soldiers and the zechus of the neis of Hakadosh Baruch Hu.”

“This is not something to be taken for granted. We began this war on Simchas Torah, one of the hardest days that Am Yisrael endured since the Holocaust. Our enemies thought they would defeat us. We saw this in the documents we found on their computers in Gaza.

“On October 7, Hamas waged war on us and the next day, Hezbollah joined in. And what happened? I ended my position 13 months later and I look at the situation – the Hamas terror organization had been destroyed, all their leaders were gone – Sinwar, Haniyeh, and Dief were eliminated.

“Also, in the north, remember the boasts of Nasrallah and all the others, the threats and shouts. When we decided, we fell on them hard and struck them hard. Nasrallah is no more, Sinwar is no more, and none of the others.”

“This couldn’t have happened without the emunah of Am Yisrael, without the support of millions of Jews throughout the world, without their tefillos—and in the zechus of the powerful deeds, the fighting spirit, and the great sacrifice of the IDF soldiers—they deserve every bracha and appreciation.

“Also myself, as I led this war, I knew that I was doing it in the name of Am Yisrael and the name of the State of Israel but also as a shaliach of Hashem, Hashem Tzvakos – that’s the significance. We’re Jews, we have a land and a nation and we fought the war in the zechus of Toras Yisrael.”

“I want to thank everyone here for the great mobilization of the shluchim. Everywhere and at every point where soldiers go into battle, we encounter you, and it gives strength to our soldiers. We also meet you everywhere in the world. More than one person has told me that Chabad is another foreign ministry of the State of Israel. So thank you very much, you deserve much respect and appreciation. Keep up the good work.”

17 Responses

  1. zechus of two things – the zechus of the IDF soldiers and the zechus of the neis of Hakadosh Baruch Hu.” What does it mean in the Zechus of the Neis… – NO THE NEIS AND ALL THE NISSIM WERE IN THE ZECHUS OF THE LOMDEI TORAH, WHICH YOU WANT TO DESTROY!!!

  2. blah, blah, blah… he is certainly no “Shaliach Of Hashem”, having leading the way to draft Yeshiva bochrim with the latest of 7,000 draft noticres for Haredim. Maybe more of a Shaliach for the סיטרא אחורא!!

  3. The comments on YWN are deplorable.
    This man worked tirelessly, day and night fighting for Am Yisroel and you have the חוצפה to speak about him in such a way?
    And you call your self בני תורה???
    Shame on you

  4. unless he did sincerce teshuva, I would not have a mechalel Shabbos who eats chazer sit on the rebbes dais, especially a Zionist who believes that kochi vetzem yodi as we know ONLY the Torah protects and he wants to shut down yeshivas and imprison yungeleit and bochurim.

  5. Why is he wearing a Chabad yechi yarmulka? Does he really believe that their leader, who died over thirty years ago, is Moshiach???

  6. moshe we follow Daas Torah and not atheist leftists Zionists who want to close down yeshivas, in 100 years the Zionists will be done but the Torah will be stronger.

  7. I’m not saying that he’s the best person in the slightest. However, when they don’t mention Hashem, you get all upset. When they do mention Hashem, you still get upset. I don’t know how much more you can expect someone to say when they didn’t grow up as a frum Yid.

    And he’s definitely a shliach Hashem just like Pharoah was a shliach Hashem. And he still deserves some level of Hakaras Hatov for fighting on our behalf.

  8. He put more Jews in jail since the beginning of the war than any other secretary of defense. He signed off on administrative detentions of good holy Jews just because they weren’t willing to go down like Baeri. He is on the payroll of Biden that’s for sure.

  9. kingda ka, you dont understand the nature of the Zionists and Zionism their goal is not
    “to fight on our behalf” but their goal is to shut down yeshivas and with it the Torah, and they dont realize it is the Torah that protects Am Yisroel Hakol kol yakov is literally what we read a few days back not the fighting of Esav. We are not buying the whole Zionist hero belief.

  10. @ lakewoodbt
    The Zionists nor Zionisim don’t exsist anymore. The real Zionisits knew about Yidishkeit but didn’t observe it and rather Intended to destroy Yidishkeit. Those of today know nothing at all,no yidishkeit nor Lihavdil Zionisim.

  11. I never met a ben Torah who would disparage like that an elderly general who was just fighting a successful war to defined Yidden in EY. Who are these anonymous posters who decided to impersonate bnei Torah and behsve like that? Maybe some meretz members trying to stir up hillul Hashem?

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