During a Black Friday shopping trip with his grandson Beau and family, outgoing President Joe Biden drew attention after being spotted carrying a book critical of Israel. The book, The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonial Conquest and Resistance, 1917-2017, by Columbia professor emeritus Rashid Khalidi, critiques the Zionist movement as “settler colonialism” and describes Palestinian oppression as “the oppression of one people by another.”
One reviewer called the book “a highly partisan account from the Palestinian perspective.”
Even Khalidi himself was surprised, telling the New York Post: “My reaction is that this is 4 years too late.”
It remains unclear whether Biden purchased the book or if it belonged to a family member accompanying him on the outing.
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
12 Responses
He got caught with the bag….
Wow what was Biden’s take on that??
Da ma l’hashiv
Is this not the name of the confidant of Obama who famously remarked in the spring of 2020 that “Jews were infesting the White House” under Trump in a panic. Amoung even more famous things that Obama assured him back in 2012? (Don’t worry, it’s just for the election).
If that is the case, I will assume this is a clear gift and a free copy to poison his mind further with propaganda.
Worse than seeing Trump quoting Mein Kampf?
Worse than seeing Trump quote Mein Kampf?
Whatever the significance. If joe was holding it to make a point and show his true colors, it’s on par with the hateful behavior of carter and Obama. One thing is certain he didn’t get past the introduction of that book! 🤣
Free, free Palestine.
Wasn’t free.
Worth a cent, we paid a dime.
Biden should write his own biography
“The Weak Palestinian”
Yechiell please provide your proofs of that being accurate; for that you’ll have to provide the following:
The quote
An audio of Trump saying it or
Two kosher witnesses that heard him.
If these are provided you will have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump knew that what he was saying was a quote from that book.
In the meantime, please consider stopping voting for anti-Hashem, pro baby killing, pro criminals, pro toevah, anti-Israel, anti-American, pro-Muslim political parties.
Yours truly, SOI
I doubt he can actually read and comprehend it anyways so whatever
No worries.This moron cannot read!!