WATCH: El Al Flight Turns Into Heartwarming Sheva Brachos Celebration at 30,000 Feet

Passengers on El Al Flight LY10 departing John F. Kennedy International Airport on Wednesday experienced an extraordinary in-flight celebration when the flight transformed into an impromptu Sheva Brachos for a newlywed couple traveling to Eretz Yisroel.

The flight was well underway when word of the couple’s presence began to spread among the passengers. By the time night fell, the festive spirit had taken over, and a large group of travelers gathered to celebrate the joyous occasion.

A flight attendant provided complimentary wine for the brachos. Passengers joined together in heartfelt singing, creating an atmosphere of unity and joy, as the newlyweds embarked on their lifelong journey together.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

22 Responses

  1. “ No word yet on whether a hachnosas kallah fund has been initiated by Rabbanim to assist the couple with the infamously pricey El Al ticket prices.”

    May I kindly ask what is YWN’s personal vendetta against EL-AL? It’s a cute joke once or twice but by now it’s really stale and I’m starting to sense some hatred.

  2. “ No word yet on whether a hachnosas kallah fund has been initiated by Rabbanim to assist the couple with the infamously pricey El Al ticket prices.”
    This is what happens when shameless Balabatim control the media. Besides for misrepresenting the facts here, they have the Azus to stick their nose where it’s not wanted. What do you know about the finances of this individual and their family?!
    Either way, stay out of it.

  3. No, you don’t get even a taste of this brotherhood on any other airline(for better or for worse).
    And yes, ELAL needs to charge a bit more so they can invest in the future when other airlines return and ppl like you who only appreciate prices will fly United/Delta because yiu can save $5 × 6 tickets.
    And like Dan’s Deals points out(pun intended), if prices were any lower NOONE would be able to get a seat on the only airline flying within 6 months of departure.

  4. interesting i just did a search on the elal website and i can book a round trip non stop from JFK to TLV for $1380, leaving feb 3. if you want a ticket for tomorrow you will pay much much more

  5. Elal is not overcharging anyone. They are making a parnosah for the first time in their history. Fargin them. You can be sure if I had an airline the prices would not be capped like these guys do. They need to pay off their debts too and buy new planes etc… enough is enough. Fly to Dubai and then to Israel if you feel you can’t manage the price. And give the wonderful Muslims the money.

  6. Am Yisrael is so great! This is a total stranger yet the feeling of love for a fellow Jew is amazing, always amazing!
    And only on ELAL. Delta and Untied would never allow it. They really do not like or care for Jews. It’s only about the money. The Untied staff are downright antisemitic.

  7. This is really nice to see. Assuming it didn’t frustrate anyone, which seems to be the case.

    We are so glued to electronic devices and strict protocols, and it’s nice to have a bit of simcha during a 9 hour flight.

  8. @LBK – That is one very good question.
    Another is did they have a minyan of men who “washed?”
    Yet another is did anyone actually know the chosen and kallah that their presence would be the source of simchah to them?
    The dritteh kasheh is: was there a ponim chadoshos for whom extra food was specifically prepared?
    Can/Should sheva berachos be said standing up?
    Why no second kos?
    If they indeed did wash and bentch did they say “she’hasimchah bi’meono” even though there was mixed seating (not like the p’sak of the Levush?

  9. February flights are cheaper only option for December is to self transfer from and Athens or Spain or Dubai or Italy. Just curios why couldn’t the bride and groom wait a day till after Sheva b???

  10. choson and kalla should have a good mazal and all the brochos
    way to go may hashem shower the new couple with brocho and hatzlocho !

  11. A point to mention, At least ideally, The brochos should not be recited by the chosson, OTHERS are blessing the couple, and they are the RECIPIENTS of the berochos. (the chassan may have bentching, ie. he can be mezamen).
    ראה שיורי ברכה להחיד”א סי’ סב
    וכ”כ ר’ אברהם בן הרמב”ם שהרמב”ם כעס על חתן שבירך
    וע”ע שו”ת מנחת יצחק ח”ג קי”ד ושבט הלוי ח”ח סי’ רעג
    I am not completely ruling out a place for leniency in this, but certainly not lechatchila, and it may well be a bracha l’vatolo.

  12. Very uplifting atmosphere!
    The kalla was in seventh heaven – and the chosson was on a high.
    That Sheva brochos was out of this world.

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