IDF Prepares To Launch All-Charedi “Chashmonai Brigade” By Start Of Chanukah

The IDF announced plans to establish the first company of the new Chashmonai Brigade, an initiative designed to cater exclusively to Charedi soldiers, by the time Chanukah begins in late December.

The brigade’s name is intended to underscore its symbolic alignment with the Chanukah story, as the Chashmonean Dynasty emerged from the successful revolt against the Hellenistic Seleucid Empire, better known in Charedi circles as the Yevanim. The IDF hopes to channel this legacy to inspire Charedi participation in the military.

According to reports, 30 young men have already passed initial screenings, and dozens more have expressed interest in joining. The IDF also plans to recruit Charedi soldiers currently serving in noncombat roles, transitioning them into combat positions within the brigade. A full company is expected to include 60 to 80 soldiers.

The brigade is tailored to meet the needs of Charedim, including strict adherence to halacha. Commanders and soldiers in the brigade will follow a strict Charedi lifestyle, including maintaining beards and payos, using respectful language, and wearing traditional Charedi garb during tefillos and meals.

To reinforce this commitment, enlistees will sign a document agreeing to uphold these standards throughout their service. Training and courses will be conducted exclusively within the brigade to prevent mixing with non-Charedi units, addressing concerns about preserving their values within the military.

Brigade commander Col. Avinoam Emunah expressed optimism about the initiative, saying: “I am privileged to be the commander of the Charedi brigade and to be part of this special project that can bring about a change in Israeli society and the entire people of Israel. This is the first time since the establishment of the IDF and the state that a brigade will allow the Charedi public to enlist and serve in combat according to their lifestyle while preserving their identity.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

22 Responses

  1. Of course, Chanukah is the Yom Tov that specifically commemorates removing foreign impurity from Klal Yisrael. And the Chashmonaim were the ones who were moser nefesh to do so against both the misyavnim and their Syrian-Greek accomplices.

    So, in typical – but still breathtaking chutzpah – Zionist shmad fashion, the Zionists choose Chanukah as the approximate start date and the name chashmonaim of the name of the brigade in their shmad army – turning both into exactly the opposite of the original.

    As the gedolim have noted, Zionism is a shmad. The Zionist army is the ideological indoctrination camp of that shmad. Regardless of how many minyanim they have and what levush they wear, the purpose of Zionism and its army is (as their first Zionist leader proudly noted) to turn (Judaism into Zionism and) Jews into Zionists. No matter how much of the Torah the Zionists otherwise let them follow, the shmad is non-negotiable.

  2. And this is the disconnect that the chilonim don’t seem to get. Chareidim don’t look up to Chashmonaim as symbols of fighters and physical prowess… that was the other side, the hellenistic ones. We look up to them as tzadikim. In fact, we believe they were weak: ‘giborim b’yad chalashim’.

  3. This unit was designed and created with all the specifications and demands of Haredim. It also includes strict oversight from Haredi rabbanim. The rules include only black yarmulkes, regular Shabbos clothes, only kosher phones, learning and davening requirements and only frum officers. The environment offered is a much more kosher and Haredi friendly than the typical work environment. In addition, if you look at the results from Hesder, they have been very successful in keeping their talmidim on their derech. So anyone claiming that this is a path to shmad is simply speaking out of ignorance.

  4. Wishing the members of this new unit much Hatzlacha.

    A small correction – at least initially, the commanders in this unit will not be Chareidi, but from Hesder Yeshivot, as there are not yet sufficient Chareidim with experience to serve in these roles. These Hesder guys, though, are forbidden to discuss any Hashkafic disagreements between DL and Chareidim as that would undermine the whole reason for this separate brigade. Once there are enough Chareidim who have gone through Comanders’ and Officers’ training, though, the intent would be for them to take on these roles.

    The IDF is very much willing to work with Chareidim to meet their concerns – the question now is if Chareidi leaders are going to keep saying no or will finally be willing to try to get to yes.

    an Israeli Yid

  5. So if they are emulating the chasmonoyim who fought the secular Greeks as well as Jews will they attack the gay marchers in the Tel Aviv parades. That’s what the Macabees would do. And of course would they stop all non kosher restaurants in Israel and close off all streets on shabbos. I hardly doubt it.

  6. The problem with the Israeli army is the decisions are made by secular politicians, lawmakers and judges, a Torah Jew has no right to place his life in the hands of secular decision makers who send soldiers to die en masse instead of carpet bombing from the air. All other reasons and discussions are mere attempts to distract attention from this plain and simple truth. The Israeli Supreme Court are the biggest misyavnim in the world. True Chasmonaim fight against them not for them. In the army of a genuine Malchus Yisroel Torah Jews will be the first to join like Matisyahu Kohen Gadol and his sons.

  7. The snake won again and again.
    What a hilul hashem and it makes all the other refuzniks look bad in front of the ignoramus parasite secular Jews.
    Thank you to the Erev rav costumed in rabbanims, the chiefs rabbis puppets of the state and other reshayims !
    We will die but we will not enroll

  8. @YourSimpleYid
    zionism is pure shmad, breaking with judaism and joining their army is pure shmad. words don’t use their meaning when applied correctly.

  9. Chashmonaim did not wait for someone else to provide them kosher kitchen in the army, they started their own army.

  10. @HaKatan the purpose of the army “turn Jews into Zionists”. That would be great. if you ever learned Torah properly you would realize that Israel/Zion is as important to Judaism as Shabbos.

  11. The Gedolim have clearly stated that no frum boy, even working, should enroll. Period.
    Nothing more needs to be said.

    However because the YW seems to be populated (or visited) by people who do not feel obliged to Daas Torah, it’s worth pointing out that No, many Dati Leumi Yeshivot HAVE lost many students who slowly dropped the kippa, Shabbos and everything…
    Also, the promises of the IDF with regard to Torah & Halocho cannot be relied on – especially if the ones writing the rules today are not guaranteed to the the ones revising / writing the rules tomorrow .

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