Israeli Forces Foil Iranian Weapons Smuggling Operation Targeting Yehuda And Shomron

Israeli security forces, including the ISA (Shin Bet) and the IDF, recently uncovered and seized a large cache of advanced weapons originating in Iran, intended for terrorist operatives in the Jenin area of Yehuda and Shomron.

Among the seized arsenal were advanced weaponry and explosives, including rockets, 40 powerful Claymore mines (some equipped with wireless activation systems), bombs, mortar launchers, sniper rifles, and other arms. The weapons were reportedly intended to bolster terrorist activity against Israeli civilians and IDF forces in the region.

The smuggling operation was orchestrated by Iran’s 4000th Division—part of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Intelligence Organization—and the Quds Force’s Special Operations Unit in Syria. These efforts were overseen by senior Iranian commanders Jawad Ghafari and Etsar Bakri, according to Israeli intelligence.

Recent months have seen increased efforts by Iran to smuggle advanced weaponry into Yehuda and Shomron, as part of a broader campaign to destabilize regional security by equipping terrorist cells with advanced tools for attacks.

The seized weaponry included:

  • 33 Improvised Claymore explosives
  • Wireless activation systems for explosives
  • 6 RPG-7 launchers
  • 24 RPG-18 and RPG-22 rockets
  • 3 107mm rockets
  • 40 standard large Claymore explosives with detonators
  • 2 60mm mortar barrels and 20 mortar shells
  • 7 sniper rifles and 6 M16 rifles
  • 37 pistols (Glock and XD-9 models)

The ISA and IDF vowed to continue monitoring and preemptively thwarting Iranian attempts to arm terror groups in the region. “We remain vigilant against any Iranian activities that threaten Israeli security and the safety of our civilians,” the statement from security officials said.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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