U.S. Condemns Itamar Ben Gvir’s Visit To Meir Kahane’s Kever

The U.S. State Department issued a strong condemnation of Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir following the publication of photos showing him visiting the kever of Rabbi Meir Kahane HY’D, a figure regarded as an extremist by the US.

Kahane’s ideology and actions have been associated with terrorism, and his Kach party was outlawed in Israel and designated as a terrorist organization by the U.S.

In a statement, a State Department spokesperson said, “As we’ve said on previous and similar occasions, celebrating the legacy of a terrorist and a terrorist organization is abhorrent. We strongly condemn any attempt to whitewash acts of terrorism.”

The statement underscores ongoing tensions between the U.S. and Israel over the composition of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet, in which Ben Gvir serves as a controversial figure. The minister, leader of the ultranationalist Otzma Yehudit party, has faced criticism domestically and internationally for his hardline views and actions.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

17 Responses

  1. Ben Gvir has an absolute right to visit the Kever of Rabbit Kahane, and the U.S. Govt. has no legitimate business or interest in opposing it. Further, Kahane was definitely not a terrorist but was an outstanding advocate of Jewish Nationalism and development of Judea and Samaria.

    Baruch Hashem that in two months the embarrassing current U.S. Administration will cease and a more virtuous Administration will take its place.

  2. What terror did Mr. Kahane commit? None, zero, zilch. Kahane was an extremist. But he never ever committed terror.

    Biden and the Democrats only know how to make everything unjustifiably equivalent. They need a so-called Jewish “terrorist” in order to downplay Islamic terrorism.

  3. Social media is the source of much evil. You don’t have to and you shouldn’t share everything you do!! If Ben Gvir felt that he wanted to pay his respects, it should have been done quietly and privately. And this message of privacy and discretion applies to everyone. Tznius means privacy and not living your life on a stage where your conduct elicits jealousy, criticism or anger.

  4. Rabbi Meir Kahane HYD ZTL ZYA often said that:
    meaning that all Arabs must be expelled from Israel.

    If Israel had listened to his excellent advice,
    then the Sbarro’s bombing of 2001 never would have happened,
    and the three teenage Jewish boys never would have been murdered,
    and the 2023 October 7 massacre never would have happened.

  5. The leftist Dems are probably upset because MK started out his career by forming the JDL which helped fight crime against Jews here in NYC. He went after the criminals that the Dems try to protect.

  6. If he had gone to Arafat’s thing in Ramalla, would they have also condemned him? Why is the US dictating where people may or may not go? Isn’t this Kim ill Junk’s playbill? Let the Biden administration take care of America: there are enough problems here.

  7. “Kahane’s ideology and actions have been associated with terrorism, and his Kach party was outlawed in Israel and designated as a terrorist organization by the U.S.” but Arafat, Kadafi , Abas , & all the rest of them are not !!!!

  8. Meir Kahanne was right, is right and continues to be the open voice of truth against a large body of woke idiots and leftist liberals.

  9. Kahane WAS RIGHT!! How dare the USA despicable say a
    word about what or who should go to who’s cemetery?
    It’s none of their business
    and if the world would’ve
    listened to Kahana, we would not be in this mess In Israel now because all the terrorists would be gone they have 26 other lands to go to. We only have one leave Israel alone.

  10. This is rich coming from people who support terrorism, 6 billion to Iran not so long ago. Whoever is upset must really mind their own business, what a chutzpah. Ben does not support terrorism, he opposes it. Stop slandering Meir Kahane and Ben

  11. It’s the idol worshippers who have to be expelled from Israel. Not the Muslim Arabs.

    Kahana was wrong.

    We need to ally with the Jihadis to fight against the crusaders.

    We CAN make a deal. With jihad.
    The secular zionist state has it all wrong. Allying with crusaders, against jihad.

    We should be allying with jihad, against the West!

  12. Rabbi Meir Kahane was not a racist, he was a realist. He recognized the enemy for what he was and didn’t mince words. Unfortunately, he was correct and many innocent people paid a heavy price due to the politicians’ negligence. They will never admit it, because it’s not politically correct.

  13. @Happy new year:
    Sorry, but you don’t really sound like you’re jewish to me…
    Do you know what jihad actually means?

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