Lapid, Lieberman Besmirch Gedolei Yisrael, Incite Against Chareidim

Opposition leaders Yair Lapid and Avigdor Lieberman shamelessly besmirched Gedolei Yisrael and tried to incite anger against the Chareidi sector on Monday.

Lapid spoke at a meeting of the Yesh Atid and Yisrael Beiteinu parties, saying: “The Israeli government is always trying to scare us and warn us about a civil rebellion. There is already a civil rebellion in Israel. When the Yated Ne’eman calls on the Chareidim to refuse to comply with recruitment orders – that is civil rebellion. When the demonstrators in Bnei Brak and Jerusalem shout ‘We would rather die than enlist,’ while IDF soldiers are dying every day, that is civil rebellion. When HaRav Hirsch says, ‘It is a mitzvah to be a draft dodger,’ that is civil rebellion.”

Lapid continued: “Section 109 of the Penal Code states: ‘Whoever incites or persuades a person obligated to serve in the armed forces not to serve or not to appear for military action, shall be punished with five years in prison. Whoever incites or persuades a person serving in the armed forces to desert from military service or from military action, or assists him in desertion, shall be punished with seven years in prison.”

‘There is no other name for what is happening now except civil rebellion…the only civil rebellion currently occurring in Israel is under the auspices of the government. Civil disobedience against the IDF and its soldiers, against the law, against the authority of the state. The Israeli government, instead of stopping this, encourages it. It encourages evasion, refusal, and civil disobedience…this is not a full right-wing government, this is the government of evasion. This is the government of deserters. This is the government of those fleeing from battle,” he claimed.

“The 7,000 orders that began to be issued yesterday are just the beginning. Every Chareidi young man of conscription age should receive an order just like our children. Those who don’t show up to the enlistment centers will not receive a license, will not receive a passport, will not receive a single dollar from the state budget. It is time for the state to act like a state. It is time for the civil rebellion to stop.”

Lieberman, of course, joyfully joined in the incitement, telling the press at the meeting that “being a draft dodger is not a mitzvah, it’s a chillul Hashem.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

23 Responses

  1. This is civil disobedience, NOT rebellion. It’s like blocking traffic. In a democracy civil disobedience is tolerated (with an appearance ticket and fine.)

  2. These sound like convincing arguments. In my humble opinion it would be a good idea for YWN to include the opinion of the Gedolim of why Yeshiva boys shouldn’t join and more why these politicians are wrong.

    Otherwise, you are just expressing the opinion of those you disagree and frankly their arguments sound pretty coherent.

  3. As YWN helpfully links to the other article, at least this info does not support Lapid’s charges. The article says: A person who was present in the room told JDN News that HaRav Hirsch also told the bochurim: “It’s a mitzvah for you to be draft-dodgers.”

    This is not a direct quote from the Rav, but ed ehad claiming so, possibly taking it out of context. So, hopefully, nobody is breaking Israeli law while defending their position on the draft.

  4. Maybe at least some people will stop worshiping the Zionist idol as a result of this.
    Maybe some people will finally recognize that the Zionists and their “State” are the enemy of G-d, His Torah and His people.

  5. Perhaps, just perhaps, it is worth listening to what they’re saying. I’m not suggesting agreeing – just listening to get an understanding of their viewpoint so as to understand how to respond And in fact, this sounds surprisingly civil – and much better than calling ones opponent a Nazi, as happens at Chareidi demonstrations.

    an Israeli Yid

  6. And the leftists with their protests and reservist army pilots refusing to show up for their annual call up, which prompted the Simchas Torah attack and delayed the military response, was that not Civil rebellion?!
    For the A-G and her lowlife kangaroo court [in]judges to constantly rule against the democratically elected government; is that not “civil rebellion”?!
    We may rebel against the UNDEMOCRATIC zionists – they rebel against the TORAH AND HASHEM ה’ ישמור

  7. Lapid and Lieberman are nothing nothing more than two low life שקצים acting as people of importance. Why are they not taking the Israeli Arab citizens into the army they only want to eradicate the chareidi Jews. We are not 7,000 we are several million men strong we don’t have to listen to these lowlifes in the government we were here in Israel before them they are nothing but a bunch of murderers. Let me see if they can get $7,000 gerer chasidim to go to the army or $7, 000 boys from belz to go to the army let us all stick together and show them who’s boss let’s not get intimidated from these animals. If the frum community buckles under now we can say goodbye to EY and finally recognize that if we want a safe EY it can only come through the almighty and the coming of the true Messiah. The forming of a Medina was a huge and an extremely tragic error the so called gedolim that thought otherwise were unfortunately making a huge mistake slowly now all the frum Jews except the stupid ones are recognizing and realizing it. Let’s remember
    .ומפני חטאינו גלינו מארצינו

  8. To an isrealy yid. Nobody watched their wrods more than thr chofetz chaim and he called zionist amalek and nazi and amalek are pretty similar…

  9. And they are worse than nazi as amalek naturaly are born with sinas yisroel for thousands of years but zionists are jews and just a few generations ago their ancesters were frumme yidden and yet these zionist have huge sinas yisroel so in some ways they are worse

  10. Question:
    Are the bnei torah and yeshivahleit obligated to daven and learn for the protection of those seeking to tear them away from Torah or they are not obligated? if not are they aloud to daven that their torah should not protect those who seek the destruction of the עולם התורה?

  11. Lapid and Lieberman declare war on the Hareidim, and then demand that the people who hate them the most should be given modern guns.

  12. I have three schools of thoughts
    1. Slandering and speaking loshen hora are a Torah prohibition.
    2. I understand the Charedim not wanting to abondon their Torah studies, but there were many great sages who did, one eg King David.
    3. We are fighting for Israels very existence, we need every man and woman we can get, soldiers are fighting for months on end without a break. Reservists are being called up again and again family men, leaving their families and businesses. There are many practicing Jews in the army, Hashem knows their hearts we did not ask for this war. We cant have strife in the country thats when our enemy hits us the hardest, we saw on 7 Oct.’23. Look what happened when the army did not appear. We need both Torah and army. Im sure sitting around a table instead of protesting would be better, without tempers flaring, which according to Torah we should be controlling. I think our soldier brothers and sisters would love the help and certainly need it. Fighting for our land im sure is as a big a mitzvah as Torah study. The salt of the earth and the cream of the crop are out there fighting for us, the Charedim should bear these beautiful souls in mind. I know there is a lot to be considered, as far as halacha is concerned, but we are fighting for Israels survival, i can understand family men and woman not being called, but single boys and girls…..
    Basically i know nothing but im very concerned, as we all are for the state of our people and our country. The Only Hebrew speaking country in the world and the only JEWISH country in the world. Please Hashem allow us to end this war with victory and yesterday.

  13. Shabbos will never be tarnished as it has been from these monsters….I am Chareidi…now and will continue to learn to step up …as an Israeli and not an American….these monsters need to be shipped out of town

  14. An Israeli yid – I don’t chap the comparison.
    When chareidim call mishtara Nazis, they mean it; it’s not just a random insult. It’s because cruelly putting down religious freedom protests so that you can continue shmadding everyone up is naziish.
    Why should lapid call them Nazis, though? Shaychis? Is desertion a naziish zach?
    Side note: lol hakavod to them for standing strong and refusing to be shmadded up. Chazak veematz.

  15. The reason the Arabs are not in the army is that it would be very dangerous to have them there. 1- they would surely try to kill our soldiers and 2- anyway, you can’t expect an Arab to shoot OUR enemy, who are his own people, perhaps even his own family members

  16. @thinkingtoradik no, they’re obligation is not to daven and learn to protect their country, their obligation is to partake in the defense effort of their own homes

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