WATCH: Protests Erupt In Bnei Brak As Thousands Of Yeshiva Bochurim Begin Receiving Military Draft Orders

Dozens of Charedi protesters from the kehilla of Rabbi Tzvi Friedman demonstrated Sunday evening on Jabotinsky Street in Bnei Brak against the enforcement of mandatory military service. The protest follows the distribution of thousands of draft orders to yeshiva students starting today. Protesters blocked the intersection and clashed with police.

At one point, police declared the demonstration illegal before taking action to disperse the protest. Despite the warning, protesters escalated into violent behavior, shouting inflammatory remarks such as “Nazis” and other derogatory terms at police officers. Mounted police units were deployed to clear the roadway, and officers arrested one individual for disorderly conduct.

The demonstration caused significant traffic disruptions in the area. Police urged drivers to avoid the area and use alternate routes.

The Israel Police issued a statement saying: “The police will not tolerate public disturbances, obstruction of freedom of movement, or any behavior that endangers public safety.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

26 Responses

  1. I see on the videos kids as little as 7 or 8 year old’s are laying down on the street in front of cars. It is a shame that their parents allow it and probably teach them that, and I think such parents should lose control for their children as these kids are like Palestinians who are taught from early childhood to hate Israeli soldiers and policeman who are actually literally are dying everyday to protect them and their selfish parents.

  2. Were these the jackbooted police, usually on horseback, who are notorious for violently beating peaceful protesters (in that so-called “democracy”)?

  3. Those charedim who are not currently learning should step up and volunteer instead of their sons and brothers who are learning. See Kiddushin 32 for an example of a son going instead of his father.

  4. I’m sure they B”B gedolim meant Ignore draft to stay in bais medrash and learn vs bitul torah, matriach their frum neighbors and chilul Hashem.

  5. They purposely bring in the girls. They ALWAYS do this. My cousin in the army has first hand testimony. This IS the official IDF protocol.

  6. These idiots in the comments here are helpless.
    This has NOTHING to do with learning being more important than the army etc… or another excuse.

    This is simply about zionist shmad. That’s the ALL of it. Nothing more, nothing less.

  7. The wicked beyond belief shmad agent attorney general has a vendetta against religious people and she must be stopped at all costs. Unfortunately the quiet way isn’t working. I doubt this will either but I could understand the frustration with the attack on their way of life while the Arabs continue to get their exemptions without any protest from the same camp claiming equality for all. Nothing but frauds

  8. The police should use the harshest means available to knock some Sechel into these ruffians & rowdies.
    Sometimes Halacha allows or even requires violence. My Ruv (& noted Posek) said beating these Moochers (the Ruv used a harsher word I won’t share) until they’re begging to enlist is a great Mitzvah.
    If these derelicts really were doing this for the sake of Torah they’d offer to switch places with Chiloni soldiers. What does Hashem get more nachas from? A Yeshiva guy hanging out outside all day drinking coffee, eating Kokosh & chain smoking or a 20 year old Jewish man learning “Breishis Bara” for the very first time?

  9. They’re trying to shmadthe oilam hatorah, of course we shoudl protest. he israeli army public relationships people who comment on this page about chillul hashem are ignoring that the gedolim say to protest these atrocities. They are complicit with every boy who get shmaded. kol hakavod to those people who haven’t been brainwashed by the liberal media and tziyoni propaganda that says we shoudl shouldn’t protest.
    Also, it shoudl be known that i’ve heard from two of the crazies in the Mir that they post alot on here, so just don’t think respectable people are the ones posting here.

  10. “Dozens of Charedi protesters from the kehilla of Rabbi Tzvi Friedman” if any of the Bnei Brak Gedolim would have approved of this protest, it wouldn’t have been just dozens but dozens of thousands
    This seems to be actions of the Peleg fraction denounced by most of the Gedolim.

  11. Wow some harsh comments.

    Senseclizing for profit.
    Rabbis said sit and learn what’s with demonstrating. If you don’t listen to the Rabbis …

  12. Please let me give constructive advice:- Tonight is the 34th יארצייט of the venerated מורינו הרב מאיר. Kahana זצקללה”ה הי”ד :- There is no better way of honoring the memory if this אוהב ישראל וצדיק גמור than on his 34th יארצייט to finally implement his amazing polocy:- Excellent every Arab from all if Israel 🇮🇱 no questions asked.

  13. The way some religious people talk you would think they’re not religious. It’s sad that the automatic assumption is that anyone protesting doesn’t learn and drinks coffee all day. If that’s how you value the learning of our religion then you need not do us any favors, maybe this religion isn’t for you

  14. Anyone remember just a year ago similar sinas chiman among jews and Hashem sent Oct 7 to bring us together ( for a few days)?? Vey, we don’t learn and those who do not learn from history are DOOMED to repeat it ………

  15. We daven and beg hashem for the safety the protection of klal yisroel, as every yid understands and feels and as we were instructed by gdolei yisroel to daven and especially add certain kapitlech in tehilim and not just say but beg hashem to watch over us from all the evil people around us that seek to destroy klall yisroel Chas veshalom.
    My shaila is are we permitted to daven to hashem not to protect all those who don’t believe on the protection of torah and especially seek to stop us from full time torah and tefilah and those who want the chareidim to go to the army so they become less torah observant or at least not daven for them and have in mind that our torah learning should not protect those who are against us and our torah learning or no we have to daven that our torah should protect everyone including those who want to tear us away from torah and yidishkeit????

  16. Question:
    Are the bnei torah and yeshivahleit obligated to daven and learn for the protection of those seeking to tear them away from Torah or they are not obligated? if not are they aloud to daven that their torah should not protect those who seek the destruction of the עולם התורה?

  17. I just love it, suddenly the commentors here are worried about shomer negiyah, sitting and learning, suddenly growing theri pios long white beard….
    Totally aloof, sorry to pop the bubble, but they are protesting because they follow the Torah, not zionism, and as the Torah says, Yesh es lachashot, v’yesh es…..
    If you’d be in the times of the Chashmanayim, you’s probably be pushing for voilence against those “rowdy” chashmonaim who thought of themselves big, going around stirring up trouble with the goverment, rioting, killing acting wildly, when all the yevanim wanted (due to the misyavnim), was to make the life of Jews better, by “cleaning” us from the lack of education, moral bla bla bla, just like nowadays.
    Yes, Matisyahu and his children stopped learning Torah to go out and fight for the Torah, so that Klal Yisrael as a whole can sit and learn. What were they doing on the street anyway? why weren’t they learning? huh?
    bunch of silly billies, get a life guys!

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