Netanyahu Spoke With Trump Three Times Since Election; See “Eye-To-Eye” On Iranian Threat

Prime Minister  Netanyahu has announced that he has spoken with US President-elect Donald Trump three times since the election, emphasizing their shared perspective on the challenges posed by Iran.

In a video message, Netanyahu said that these conversations aimed to deepen the robust Israel-US alliance. He noted that they see eye-to-eye on the Iranian threat and the risks it presents. Netanyahu also highlighted promising opportunities for Israel in advancing regional peace and cooperation.

He described the discussions as “productive and highly significant.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. Sadly sanctioning Iran on its atomic program will not work this time not even on the Saudies there now is BRICS economy and Iran said name times it doesn’t want the atom bomb and it’s against Islam but saw someplace that Iran used it’s missiles to secretly plant some satellites in outer space that can do much more damage then the bomb if it has atomic battery and it can ultimately blow Israel bombs themselves

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