“ON THE BACK OF TODDLERS!” Likud MK Fiercely Defends Chareidim; Likud MKs Who Opposed Daycare Law Are Sanctioned

Likud MK Sasson Guetta. (Knesset Channel/screenshot)

Likud MK Sasson Guetta harshly attacked members of the opposition and coalition who opposed the daycare law in a speech from the Knesset plenum on Wednesday.

UTJ MK Yisrael Eichler’s daycare bill, which bases daycare subsidies solely on the employment status of the mother, was removed from the Knesset agenda this week after it became clear that there wasn’t a majority to pass it due to the opposition of both members of the opposition and the coalition, including members of the Likud.

Guetta said: “What’s with you?! Have you lost all sense of shame?! For a like on Twitter and cheers from the leftist media, you’re willing to trample entire families?!”

“Do you know what is most infuriating? You don’t even understand what you’re talking about. Do you think that amid a war, the Chareidim aren’t contributing? Look around! See what is happening on the home front – who is volunteering in rescue organizations, in chessed organizations, in chevrot kadisha, in ZAKA – who is helping the families of the victims! But no, for you, that is not good enough. You want to force, to impose, to cause conflict!

“And I especially appeal to my friends in the coalition – how dare you?!  You’re trampling your values for a photo in Haaretz? You’re willing to destroy the future of our children for support from the left??

“What exactly did we ask for? To consider the beliefs of others! Is that so terrible?! You who talk so grandly about democracy and rights – where is your tolerance?! Where is your understanding?!

“And yes, I say this loud and clear – anyone who opposes this law, anyone who links it to recruitment, simply does not understand or does not want to understand. The concern of the Charedim is not about the army – it is about losing their identity! But that doesn’t interest you, right? The main thing is to score more political points at the expense of the Chareidi public!

“Do you want to talk about employment integration? About equality? Great! Here’s a real opportunity – a law that will allow Chareidi women to go to work! But no, you prefer to fight ideological wars on the backs of toddlers!

“And I warn you,” he added, “this populist opposition will cost us dearly. You are destroying any chance of real integration of the Chareidi society with your own hands! I call from here to my friends – wake up! Stop this wild incitement! Return to sanity! Because if not – the blood of the destruction of Israeli society is on your hands!

“And I will conclude with simple words – anyone who votes against this law should know that they are voting against the future of our children, against the integration of the Chareidim in the workplace, and above all – against truth and justice!”

The Likud MKs who publicly announced that they would not support the daycare law were sanctioned on Wednesday for violating party discipline.

Chairman of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee Yuli Edelstein was banned from submitting any bills in the Knesset for a month and from speaking on behalf of the party.

MK Dan Illouz was removed from his positions on the Foreign Affairs and Defense and Economic Affairs committees and was banned from submitting bills for the next month and a half.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. Or, one could say the opposite: breaking the cycle of lifelong dependence on social services is the BEST thing one can do for the future of charedi children and for the future of non-haredi children in Israel who are faced with the unequal burden of supporting them.

  2. The Israel left has nothing against little kids. Its the parents it wants get rid of (either force them into exile or to convert to being Dati Leumi).

  3. @Shlomo 2 – In all due respect, and with the deepest feelings of love for you, your sentiments might imply a basic misunderstanding (or rejection) of several fundamentals of תורה שבכתב ותורה שבעל פה.

    בראשית – בשביל התורה שנקרא ראשית

    עומדות היו רגלינו בשעריך ירושלים – במה עומדות רגלינו במלחמה? שעריך ירושלים: בזכות אלו שיושבים ולומדים תורה בשערי ירושלים

    עץ חיים היא למחזיקים בך

    What about women working and supporting their husbands is making them dependent on social services? What about women working and supporting their husbands places an unequal burden on society to support them?

  4. Keep in mind that they have no problem giving daycare money to the arabs even though the father didn’t go to the army and the reason is because this bill has nothing to do with the father the whole idea of it is to get more women into the workforce and there fore the same reason should apply to charaidem.

  5. @gottythruth – There are many jobs to which the doors are closed to anyone – man or woman – who did not serve in the army.

    Also, many “legal” jobs are not an option to non-servers, ergo no taxes are paid, therfore they are not counted in the employment statistics, and finally the government ultimately loses out on the revenues.

  6. “And yes, I say this loud and clear … The concern of the Charedim is not about the army – it is about losing their identity!”

    The gedolim stated this a century ago. Here, liHavdil, (to his credit) this secular Zionist stated this openly in the Zionist parliament. But those drunk on the Zionist idol still don’t believe it.

  7. Shlomo 2:
    You are a wicked Zionist idolater. This is about allowing the women to work to help support their families, like women do worldwide.

  8. MK Guetta’s assertions regarding Chareidim serving in alternative positions in Zaka etc. is a legitimate basis for compromise. Where such service in legitimate first-responder and public jobs can be verified by the government, it should be considered as equivalent to IDF service and those families should be eligible for day-care benefits.

  9. The Charedi world contributes to the Israeli economy millions (if not billions) and brings far more revenue than it costs. While there is a percentage of benefits (not very much) the acculamative vast sums that the yeshivos, seminaries, kollelim and chessed organizations bring into the country is simply staggering. All the meshulochim that go abroad and bring back real cash do far more than the farmers who export produce – it’s pure income for the economy.
    In addition, a huge amount of tourism is directly from the Charedi world – think Meron, the Kosel, Succos, Meoh Sheorim, Rebbishe Simchos & Yom Tov etc. etc.
    And they know it!
    How many Chilonim take their moeny out the country (India, Europe, USA etc.) and how many Charedim take money out?

  10. Sick of the targeting of charedim!!! Arabs who don’t get drafted, don’t get their daycare subsides stopped for not serving in the IDF, why is it only charedim who get discriminatory regulations and laws???

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