UTJ MK Draws Paraellel Between US & Israel: “The Results Are At The Ballots, Not Shouts On The Streets”

Deputy Minister Uri Maklev (UTJ) referred to the Trump victory in the US in a speech from the Knesset plenum on Wednesday, saying that the results show that the media and “screaming on the street” don’t truly reflect what the public wants.

“I want to congratulate Trump on being elected President of the United States,” Maklev said. “This result reflects the fact that the media, polls, and various commentators don’t truly reflect what the public wants. Many can shout but ultimately the citizens know what they are doing, and the result is in the ballot boxes, not in the screaming. Also in this term of ours here in Israel, the results are in the ballot boxes, not according to the screaming [a reference to the leftist protests].”

“I saw hundreds of people in Chareidi areas standing in line and voting even in places where the influence is not as strong as in clearly Democratic States, and the outcome is known in advance, but the Rabbanim called to vote, so entire families, children and adults, stood to vote to fulfill the commandments of their Rabbanim,” concluded Maklev.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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