OF COURSE: Explosives Placed In Ballot Boxes Had “Free Gaza” And “Free Palestine” Scrawled On Them

Ballot drop boxes in Vancouver, Washington, and Portland, Oregon, that were set on fire early Monday morning, were found with incendiary devices inside that were marked “Free Gaza” at both locations. In Vancouver, the blaze may have damaged hundreds of ballots before it was extinguished. Similarly, Portland authorities reported arson at a ballot drop box the same night.

Investigators are connecting these attacks to a previous incident on October 8 in Vancouver, where officials removed an incendiary device marked with “Free Gaza” and “Free Palestine” from a ballot box. Although that device caused no damage, the repeated targeting and political messaging have prompted the FBI to investigate whether the markings were meant to convey a message or to distract from other possible motives.

Clark County Auditor Greg Kimsey advised Vancouver voters who submitted ballots after Saturday to request replacements. Authorities assured the public that while these devices caused damage, they were not explosive. The FBI is leading the investigation, with local Portland and Vancouver police departments also involved, and has encouraged anyone with relevant information to come forward.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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