Chareidi MK: “There’s No Shortage Of Manpower In The IDF”

Moshe Shimon Roth. (Knesset spokesperson)

UTJ MK Moshe Roth commented on Wednesday in a radio interview on Kol B’Rama about a Chareidi recruitment law and the daycare law, criticizing Minister Ofir Sofer, and saying that “a coalition agreement was signed, and agreements must be respected.”

Aliyah Minister Ofir Sofer (Religious Zionist party) said in an interview earlier on Wednesday that the daycare bill proposed by MK Yisrael Eichler, which is being promoted by the UTJ party, will not be advanced until there’s progress on the recruitment law.

“We’ve been spat in the face of the Chareidi leadership during the recruitment process,” Sofer claimed. “People here are bleeding to death, Bnei Torah and non-Bnei Torah. The categorical statement that there is a public here that doesn’t bear the burden in historic moments is just unacceptable.”

Roth said: “There’s no shortage of manpower in the IDF and there’s no real need to recruit Charedim.”

Roth criticized the political use of the leftists regarding the memory of the many Dati Leumi soldiers who fell during the war: “They chased these people down when they were alive – and now they use the Dati Leumi casualties as a tool for political attacks. The Dati Leumi have become the useful idiots of the left.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. How is it possible to claim this when reservists have been away from home for months and months without anyone to relieve them?
    Or how about the reservists who have been called back 2-3 times in a year, leaving their wives and children alone each time?
    Or the fact that the IDF had to pull units out of Gaza to fight in Lebanon, they don’t have enough soldiers to fight both simultaneously.

    It is so simple.
    Conscript Charedi bochrim now = 1000s more soldiers in a few months time = 10,000s more reservists in a few years time.

  2. If MR Roth means that B”H so far we haven’t lost the war, and hence I guess we have enough soldiers, then I guess he’s correct. But, anyone that lives in communities with miluimnikim know too, too well than many of these people have been away from their homes, their families, their work for months and months and months. Children whose fathers cannot read them stories before bed, cannot learn with them, who need to leave them for weeks and months, and who are instead sitting in Gaza and Lebanon, risking their lives to provide security to the people. If the number of able bodies in the IDF reserves increased, the country would not need to ask so much from those in miluim. Not a single one of MK Roth’s sons are serving, not a single daughter of his has been making do for months on end without a husband, not a single grandchild of his has been missing his father. Instead, he and his children have carryied on as usual, as if nothing else was going on, as if tens and hundreds of thousands of people haven’t been sacrificing their lives, figuratively and literally, for months and months on end.

  3. Whether he is correct or not is somewhat irrelevant. To say to people who have spent the last 6 months of a year away from their jobs and their families and tell them that what they did is unnecessary is the most insensitive thing a person could say. Not to mention the extreme danger many of these men have put themselves into. To say to families whose relatives were killed or injured that “yeah, they didn’t really need your father/husband in the army” is beyond belief. He is saying that all those who have spent the last year making sacrifices for him were for naught.

    If you want to say that we have an ideology on which we disagree, that’s fine. But to equate your sacrifice with theirs is insane.

  4. If Israel wants to attack Lebanon and give up lives of Israel that’s one thing but to force charedim to join army because of it, is unacceptable.

  5. i made aliya at age 27. they never called me up. i would right now volunteer 3 years if they would agree to stop drafting women. the army is taking any concrete steps to make the army a jewish army

  6. In our times we don’t need very many people cause most of it is done with SAR satilites capibilities technology and bombs from far away the air force needs a thousand people that’s it

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