IDF Issues 800 Arrest Warrants To Bnei Yeshivos; Will Soon Issue Another 5,000 Draft Orders

Photo: Kobi Har-Tzvi

The IDF has issued 800 arrest warrants to bnei yeshivos who did not show up to the summons issued to them in the summer.

Those who received warrants will not be arrested immediately but will be arrested if caught at Ben Gurion Airport trying to leave the country and will also be prevented from obtaining a driver’s license.

Senior Chareidi political officials admitted to Kikar H’Shabbat on Monday evening that they have not managed to find a solution to the issuance of arrest warrants and the criminalization of bnei yeshivos.

It should be noted that Charedim are being drafted on the orders of Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara and and the Supreme Court and not the current government.

Earlier on Monday, it was reported that the UTJ party retracted its threats to withhold its support for the state budget until a draft law is passed [due to the low likelihood that it will be approved] and instead is insisting on continuing to provide daycare subsidies for the children of bnei yeshivos who are eligible for the draft, a move that Baharav-Miara has deemed illegal [based on her personal opinion.]

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu held a special meeting at his office in the Knesset on Monday evening in an attempt to find a solution for advancing the law that would allow continued subsidization of daycare for avreichim of draft age or a way to bypass Baharav-Miara’s decision.

Channel 12 News reported on Monday that the IDF will soon issue draft orders to another 5,000 Chareidim.

Out of the 3,000 draft orders previously sent to Chareidim in the summer, only 230 Chareidim obeyed the summons and showed up at draft centers.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

14 Responses

  1. “when will the Israeli government stop this craziness”? The answer is that it can’t, because it is not in charge. It can order the IDF to cancel the warrants, but the IDF will not obey. It can order the welfare department to keep funding the daycare, but the department will not obey. The Legal Advisor and the judiciary are the dictators and the elected government is helpless, without power to contradict them.

  2. @Lakewood yeshiva bochur,
    They won’t, their aim is to eradicate Judaism.
    Religious Jews need to take up the fight and bring back the memories from years gone by back to life, wherein the zionist government realised there is simply nothing to discuss, rather than giving in and making one pshara after the next for the little money they get from the state.
    The Torah should be more important than money….

  3. To Lkwd Yeshiva Bochur:
    I might have an answer to your question.
    It could be that if the Bachurim in Eretz Yisroel if they become super special Masmidim and they learn
    and they learn hours without a
    and they don’t shmuz in the Bais HaMedrash and they learn every day
    הלכות לשון הרע
    and they try hard to be
    דן לכף זכות
    if you answered yes to all these questions, then Hashem will take care of you BIG TIME
    you got nothing to worry about.
    Hashem will make sure that no one on this planet will even begin to begin to maybe try to hurt in any which way-your name in the army data base will be under the radar.
    I recall about 1 month ago Iran ( one of the proxies) sent a drone to an army base and it was flying slow and low and it was under the radar, unfortunately the enemy was a little successful with that one.
    Hashem can easily put your name under the radar-no big deal and the army won’t even know that you exist.

  4. “It should be noted that Charedim are being drafted on the orders of Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara and and the Supreme Court and not the current government.”

    Zionism and its “State” are so pathetic. In a civilized country with separate branches of government, the branches work together. Here, the article attempts to create a total distinction between the “government” (coalition) and the “judicial” branch of that “government”.

    Regardless, by the Zionists attacking the Torah even more than they already do, they are just begging for G-d to finally put an end to the entire Zionist idol.

  5. if you don’t live in Isreal shut your mouth…if you don’t live here and you enjoy all the luxuries of a gentile world, shut your face……stay home..if you come from a heart space of know that these children use Hashems time with fervor you are fooling yourselves…they are children, our children…if you can’t Love them then shut up stay in America and rot with the rest of the evil sayers…….those who fight will fight….no question at all…….it is a privilege….an honor…you jews in america honor nothing at all

  6. “It should be noted that Charedim are being drafted on the orders of Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara and and the Supreme Court and not the current government.”

    So YWN is advocating for the government to act illegally?
    There is currently no law in place that allows for arbitrary exemption of Charedim from the army. Therefore, someone evading draft is acting unlawfully, whether they are Charedi or not.

    There is no chance that the government will be able to pass an exemption law, it would be political and moral suicide. Hundreds of Torani, Dati Leumi, Masorati, Chiloni, and even Arab soldiers have fallen on the battlefield. Many reservists have had to do many months or even a year on duty because there are not enough soldiers.

    I have yet to hear a single coherent explanation as to why someone should be exempt because they self-define as Charedi.

  7. Just to clarify it, the first 3000 draft orders were sent to Charedim who had army exemptions as full-time yeshiva students, but who actually worked. How did IDF found they are no full-time students: they got this info from the tax authority. So, the first batch of 3000 were not yeshiva bochurim. Dont’t know about the next 5000. Actually, I have not seen anything about it in Israeli media. It was previously said that 5000 was just a goal.

  8. Sara Rifka:
    You can perhaps take your own advice. Your choice to live in the Zionist paradise does not confer any higher moral authority to you (actually, it’s the opposite). We Jews honor G-d and the Torah, and not the idol of Zionism, regardless of the country in which we reside.

  9. truth2power:
    There are many explanations. For starters:

    1. The chareidim were there before the Zionists invaded against the will of the chareidim, so the Chareidim should be a protected class. The chareidim never signed up for the Zionist misadventures, unlike people who “made aliyah” specifically to do so.

    2. The Zionist army, unlike a gentile country’s army, is shmad, meaning poison to Judaism. Therefore, any religious Jew should be able to claim a religious exemption.

  10. This suggests that those who run Eretz Yisrael (a.k.a. “the medinah”) do NOT believe Israel is facing an existential threat. If they did, they would make national unity a high priority, rather that initiating a purge against the Hareidi minority. This in a way is very good news, since we in golus read the news and fear for the worst, but those in the best position to judge the situation are making it clear that the yishuv in Eretz Yisrael is in no danger (and Oct. 7 was just a military setback that has been rectified).

    It should be noted that Hareidi yeshiva students are unlikely to be anything except unhappy jobniks, and the IDF already has a surplus of those.

  11. @HaKatan
    1) Even if it were true that ‘the Charedim were there first’, since when does the fact that your ancestors happened to live in a place before the current system of government was established mean that you are immune from the laws of the country? I can’t think of any example. Apart from that, it is completely untrue that the Charedim were there first. The vast vast majority of the Charedi community in Israel immigrated to the country along with everyone else since 1948.
    2) This is just crazy talk. In what world is an army defending the majority of the world’s Jewish population from certain destruction considered shmad? Then add onto that the fact that an ever growing proportion of that army is made up of men who are shomer Torah u’mitzvos and are moser nefesh (literally) for Hashem and the Jewish people.

  12. @akuperma
    You are absolutely correct. National unity should indeed be the top priority. Unity relies on everyone pulling their weight, and not removing themselves from the obligations that every other person in the country is subjected to.
    The more the government tries to wriggle and twist its way out of addressing this blatant injustice, the more national unity will be destroyed. People on the street are SEETHING with the Charedi leadership. They have lost family and friends on the battlefield. Husbands have been away from home for months, some for over a year. All because there are not enough soldiers and reservists are being called back time and time again.
    So if national unity is really so important, deal with that.

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