HaGaon HaRav Hirsch Instructs All Bein HaZemanim Trips To Be Canceled

דם ישראל נשפך כמים…

Following the recent terror attacks in Israel, the deaths of many IDF soldiers in combat, and the difficult security situation in general, HaGaon HaRav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, the Rosh Yeshiva of Slabodka has instructed that all Bein HaZemanin trips for yeshivah bochurim should be immediately canceled.

The Rosh HaYeshivah said: “All the plan for Bein HaZemanim trips should be canceled and the bochurim should sit in the Batei Medrash and learn Torah as a zechus for Klal Yisrael, for the return of the hostages, and the quick recovery of the wounded.”

HaRav Yosef Korlanksy, the Mashgiach in Yeshivas Beis Medrash Elyon, and one of the Rabbanim in the Ichud Bnei Yeshivos, announced in the name of HaRav Hirsch to cancel all tiyulim.

Following the Rosh Yeshivah’s instructions, the Ichud immediately canceled all its Bein HaZemanim projects and trips for thousands of yeshivah bochurim despite incurring a loss of over a milltion shekels and months of work. The municipalities of Chareidi cities, such as Bnei Brak and Beitar Illit, also canceled their Bein HaZemanim plans and projects, incurring significant financial losses.

Various reports say that HaGaon HaRav Dov Landau is considering canceling Bein HaZemanim altogether.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. During the Yom Kippur war, In Yeshivas Bais HaTalmud of Yerushalayim, the Rosh yeshiva, HaRav Dov Schwartzman instructed all lomdei HaYeshiva to return on the firts day chol hamoed. We kept regular sedorim with an additional seder. There was a chance to sign up for an hour retzufim learning which went on 24/7 till the end of the Yom kippur war. learning and Tehillim, reduced gashmiyus, increased dveykus and Tfillah. Rav Schwatzman told us that we were soldiers…. we were the third who are supposed to provide the spiritual ammunition fo the soldiers to fight. As long a there is no break in the war, there will be no break in prorviding Hashems ammunitions. It worked our amazingly on all fronts!!

  2. We also don’t get any time off work the entire summer now even right before or after יום-טוב, nor on תעניות, so what is this business of Yeshiva people feeling so entitled to do much time off?

  3. In today’s day and age, the practice of bein hazemanim should not exist in the olam hayeshivos. Just as working people don’t have a bein hazemanim, so too yeshiva bochurim should not have idle days. The job of a yeshiva bochur is limud hatorah. In Europe, where the mode of transportation was primitive, the bochurim needed a bein hazemanim to arrive home for you tov as well as to leave home after you tov as it was a time consuming arduous trek.
    Today, you can be back in Israel in 14 hours!!!

  4. interesting but you do get off every sunday of the year, midwinter, some legal holidays etc. oh wait what is your schedule again 7:30am to 11pm? right didn’t think so.

  5. So nice how Amei Ha’aretz all decide that they know the best way to run the Yeshivos.
    Imagine what would happen if the Bnei Torah start saying Dayos about how to run your business?

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