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HANG THEM: 7 Israelis Charged By Israel With Spying Carried Out SIX HUNDRED Missions For Iran

Seven Israeli citizens were formally charged this week after being arrested on suspicion of operating a spy ring for Iran over the past two years. Prosecutors allege that the suspects, all residents of Haifa and northern Israel, completed approximately 600 missions on behalf of Iranian intelligence, gathering sensitive information on Israeli military and strategic sites.

The suspects face serious charges, including aiding the enemy during wartime and providing sensitive information. Among those charged are a soldier who deserted the IDF and two unnamed minors, aged 16 and 17, intensifying concerns over the extent of Iran’s intelligence reach within Israel.

According to court documents, prosecutors allege that Azis Nisanov served as the leader of the spy ring, with Alexander Sadykov acting as his deputy. An unnamed minor allegedly served as a main operative, responsible for photography assignments and transmitting images to Iranian contacts, while a second minor carried out similar tasks and reportedly received funds from Iranian operatives.

Additional defendants include Vyacheslav Gushchin, Yevgeny Yoffe, and Yigal Nissan, all of whom are named in court documents as members of the espionage network. Prosecutors revealed that Nisanov and his associates had a cover story prepared: if apprehended, they would claim to be tour guides documenting Israeli sites for tourism purposes.

The espionage activities were wide-ranging, with defendants allegedly tasked with photographing Israeli air bases, including Nevatim, Ramat David, Tel Nof, and Palmachim, as well as key facilities in Beer Tuvia, Kiryat Gat, Emek Hefer, and the Glilot complex north of Tel Aviv. Additionally, they reportedly gathered imagery of the Iron Dome missile defense systems around Haifa, government buildings, ports in Haifa, Ashdod, and Eilat, and power plants and observation installations in strategic areas.

In a chilling revelation, prosecutors claim that the Iranian operatives provided one suspect with a list of sensitive sites to target, including the dining hall at the Golani training base – a site attacked by drones earlier this month – and a location linked to Rafael, a defense contractor. On April 14, the suspects allegedly photographed the Nevatim air base just one day after Iran launched ballistic missile and drone strikes on Israeli interests in the region.

In addition to strategic and military targets, the operatives reportedly sought personal information on an Israeli a gas engineering expert at the University of Haifa who had spoken on Iranian topics. Nisanov was allegedly tasked with gathering details on the academic’s vehicle, family, and daily routine.

The suspects are reported to have received financial compensation for their work, with payments ranging from $500 to $1,200 per assignment, and the total compensation for the spy ring is estimated to have reached $300,000, divided among the members.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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