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Global Simchas Torah Learning Campaign Launched As Zechus For Last Year’s Massacre Victims, Hostages, And Soldiers

A worldwide initiative has been launched for this Simchas Torah to garner zechusim for the neshamos killed in last year’s Simchas Torah attack by Hamas, as well as for those still being held hostage, and for soldiers battling against both Hamas and Hezbollah.

Endorsed by Rav Yitzchok Berkowitz, the initiative encourages men in America to gather in shuls and learn Torah for 45 minutes, from 11 PM to 11:45 PM on Leil Shemini Atzeres. In Israel, the learning starts 45 minutes before Shacharis. Participants in this initiative can enter a raffle for $1,000 by emailing their details (see flyer below).


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