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OPINION: Media Frenzy Begins as Netanyahu Leads in Polls

netanyahu_bibi1.jpgIt is actually no surprise, but as opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu leads in the polls, the mainstream media is being true to form, and it is already beginning to dig into the private lives of Binyamin and his wife Sara, seeking scoops that are generally suitable for tabloids, not major national newspapers. Bashing the first right-wing couple has become a popular media event over recent years.

In Tuesday’s Yediot Achronot for example, two entire pages are devoted to the fact that Mrs. Sara Netanyahu is still negotiating the return of gifts confiscated by police in a 1999 investigation against the then prime minister. No indictment was ever filed, and most of the gifts were returned, but apparently there are tens of gifts that Mrs. Netanyahu wants returned, and the newspaper devotes two pages to giving appraisers’ worth to items of little worth, seemingly a matter that interests the nation.

The media in Israel plays a major role in an election, as it does in any country, but in Israel, the ‘agenda’ of the mainstream press is painfully obvious, to the point that one would hope readers see between the lines, but unfortunately, this is not always the case.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. Yes “Joseph” [1],
    and especially in EY it’s so obvious that no matter how right wing and how fearless the candidate is, like Sharon, as soon as they’re in office it’s totally the G’zeira in heaven that runs every aspect of the nation. In EY it’s so transparent…

  2. #2, MDshweks. Your comment is interesting and reminds me how some attitudes about elections are as your, yet if you look at the posts on NYC Elections, people seem to show the utmost concern.

  3. #5
    bechira is a gift
    there are limitations to bechira
    it is not a simple matter
    especially when it comes to sovereign rulers
    did you ever hear of Paroh?
    Yehudah and Tamar?

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