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DRUZE HERO: Col. Ehsan Daqsa, Commander Of IDF’s 401st Armored Brigade, Killed In Gaza

Col. Ehsan Daqsa, commander of the IDF’s 401st Armored Brigade, was tragically killed during combat operations in the northern Gaza Strip on Sunday. Daqsa, aged 41, from the Druze town of Daliyat al-Karmel, was a highly respected officer, and his death marks one of the highest-ranking losses for the IDF in the current fighting against Hamas.

According to an IDF investigation, Daqsa was leading his unit in Jabaliya, a key location in Gaza where heavy fighting is ongoing. The IDF launched a renewed offensive in Jabaliya earlier this month, based on intelligence indicating that Hamas operatives were using the area to re-establish their operations. He and several other officers dismounted from their tanks to reach an observation point when they were struck by a hidden explosive device. Daqsa was killed instantly, while the commander of the brigade’s 52nd Battalion was seriously wounded. Two other officers were also injured but are currently in stable condition.

Daqsa had taken command of the 401st Brigade in June, and despite being off duty on October 7, he immediately joined the front lines to defend Israel during the Hamas-led onslaught, even leading a counteroffensive at the Erez Crossing.

Daqsa had a distinguished military career, receiving accolades for his courage and leadership. Notably, he was awarded a citation by the head of the IDF Northern Command for rescuing wounded paratroopers during the 2006 Battle of Ayta ash-Shab in Lebanon.

The IDF has appointed Col. Meir Biderman, the deputy head of the 162nd Division, as the acting commander of the 401st Brigade. Col. Benny Aharon, a former commander of the brigade, will fill Biderman’s previous position. Meanwhile, Lt. Col. Daniel Ella, who was previously injured during fighting in Gaza in July, will return as the acting commander of the 52nd Battalion.

The death of Col. Daqsa has deeply impacted his hometown of Daliyat al-Karmel and the broader Druze community. Rafik Halabi, the mayor of Daqsa’s hometown, expressed the grief felt across the town and the Druze community, saying, “With sorrow, pain, and much grief, Daliyat al-Karmel, the IDF, the Druze community, and the State of Israel say goodbye to one of its heroes.” He praised Daqsa’s bravery, calling him a humble and courageous fighter who had become a “legend” through his service.

Israeli leaders, including Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, expressed sorrow over Daqsa’s death. Gallant referred to him as “a bold commander, a brave officer, and a man who contributed his energy to the security of the country.” Gallant added that Daqsa had shown creativity and aggression in leading his soldiers, particularly during the mission to dismantle Hamas’s Rafah Brigade, a critical operation aimed at weakening the terror group’s infrastructure. President Isaac Herzog also honored Daqsa, describing his death as “a loss to Israel and to Israeli society as a whole.” Herzog expressed solidarity with the Druze community, which has lost several members during the conflict, lauding their devotion and shared sense of mission with the Jewish state.

Since the start of Israel’s military operations in Gaza, six IDF colonels have been killed in combat, four of them during the initial Hamas attack on October 7.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. He was a talented and courageous leader who devoted himself to protecting the lives of Israeli Jews. May HKB”H grant him a worthy reward in the Olam haEmes.

    an Israeli Yid

  2. May HKB”H grant him his rightful reward for devoting his life to protecting the Am Hashem haYoshev b’Tzion.

    an Israeli Yid

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