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Jewish Support for Democrats Hits 40-Year Low Amid Concerns Over Israel and Antisemitism

Jewish support for the Democratic Party has fallen to its lowest level in 40 years, according to a poll released Friday by the Manhattan Institute.

The survey shows that Vice President Kamala Harris holds 67% of Jewish voter support, compared to 31% who favor former President Donald Trump. While Harris is expected to secure a majority of the Jewish vote, the figure marks a sharp decline from former President Bill Clinton’s 80% support in 1992, and the lowest since the Ronald Reagan era.

The shift comes in the wake of the October 7 Hamas massacre of Israeli civilians, which has left many American Jews furious with the mixed response from the Biden-Harris administration and growing antisemitism on college campuses.

Despite Jewish voters traditionally leaning toward Democrats on most issues, the Biden administration’s fluctuating stance on Israel and its relationship with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has prompted some American Jews to reconsider their allegiance to the Democratic Party.

The poll reveals that 86% of Jewish voters support Israel, while 62% express concerns about rising antisemitism within the Democratic Party.

Jesse Arm, chief of staff at the Manhattan Institute, noted that Jewish voters now see “security, Israel, and antisemitism” as vulnerabilities for Harris in comparison to Trump. “This is evidenced by the fact that Jews are almost universally supportive of Israel—only 5% of Jewish voters say they do not support the Jewish state,” Arm said.

Harris’ strongest support comes from Reform, unaffiliated, or nondenominational Jews, according to the survey.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

11 Responses

  1. This poll was done online and with text messages. Thus, it almost certainly left out chareidim and anyone who doesn’t go online or text. I believe that chareidim make up at least %10 of the Jewish population (The last Pew study undercounted them by more than %100). Thus, probably only %57 or fewer of Jews are likely to vote Democrat in this election.

  2. The תורה in משפטים explicitly says מכשפה לא תחיה, and Harris meets all the definitions of a bonafide מכשפה, hence it is absolutely אסור to vote for this Harris bitch.
    If this ain’t enough, President Donald Trump שליט”א our soon to be 47th President of the United States of America, moved the USA embassy to ירושלים, as well as gave clemency to Rubashkin, so there is an absolute חיוב של הכרת הטוב

  3. 67% ??? Hard to beleive.

    I doubt they are really Jewish. They are probably considered Jewish becuase their great great grandfather had a Jewish neighbor etc…..

  4. “The poll reveals that 86% of Jewish voters support Israel, while 62% express concerns about rising antisemitism within the Democratic Party.”


    “The survey shows that Vice President Kamala Harris holds 67% of Jewish voter support, compared to 31% who favor former President Donald Trump“

    And who says Jews are smart

  5. Wonder where the usual dependable democrats are to comment on this to tell us what a “ shanda” this is 🤣!
    I’m curious when all is said and done if history will explain how it is that secular Jews supported the party that ushered in a new era of unabashed antisemitism in our lifetimes.

  6. B”H 67% of Jews recognize that the man who dines with Kanye and Fuentes and blames Jews for his poor polling is no friend of the Jews. B”H 67% of Jews recognize the danger of MAGA isolationists like JD Vance who pals around with antisemites like Tucker Carlson and publicly criticizes Kamala Harris when she says Iran is the biggest threat to America..

  7. All Jews should be concerned about rising antisemitism in the GOP. It is the GOP that gave holocaust deniers Tucker Carlson a platform at the RNC. It is the GOP that is running a self proclaimed black Hitler on its ticket in NC. It is the GOP who nominated antisemites like Eric Hovde in Wisconsin and Royce White in Minnesota. MTG of Jewish space laser fame who wants to protect the right to teach that Jews killed her savior holds a position of prominence in today’s GOP. California GOP candidate Scott Baugh just campaigned with a noted anti Semites and proudly touted their endorsements as did GOP candidates in Georgia. It is shocking and sad to see how many of unzerer oilam put allegiance to MAGA ahead of real concerns for Jews and Frum Yidden.

  8. crazy,

    You had no reaction to the spark of coherence from the horse-faced, hyena laughing slut criticizing Israel of genocide. Usually when Kamalek urinates in your face you thank her for the rain.

    Why are you kapos so quiet?

  9. Gadol,
    VP Harris response to the comments of a protestor leave alot to be desired but the bottom line is that her campaign stated clearly that the VP does not consider what is happening in Gaza to be genocide. We also know that VP Harris refused to allow a pro Palestinian speaker to speak at the DNC and when asked in a recent interview which country the biggest threat to America she unequivocally stated Iran. In response JD Vance publicly stated that VP Harris is wrong and that Iran is not the biggest threat to the US rather China is. Vance also spoke about the going ons in Palestine as if Palestine is a country. Vance is grovelling for the Arab vote in Michigan

  10. crazy,

    Kamalek’s response doesn’t “leave alot to be desired”, you degenerate fool. Bottom line, she’s a vile anti-Semite and you’re defending her along with the rest of your scummy kapo klan.

    You are vile and deserve to spend eternity in hell with your horse-faced, hyena laughing slut. May you die screaming and may your soul burn forever.

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