The Soldiers Who Were Saved From The Drone Attack In The Zechus of “Mayim Achronim”

Mayim Achronim.

The father of one of the Golani soldiers who survived the Hezbollah drone strike at the training base in Binyamina on Sunday evening shared the neis his son had experienced in the zechus of Mayim Achronim.

The father told Kol B’Ramah Radio on Monday afternoon:  “Last week, they decided to have the soldiers eat in shifts due to concerns about attacks. Last night, they entered the dining room for supper and one of the soldiers asked my son and his friends to join him for zimun. They got up to to wash their hands with Mayim Achronim at the water fountain outside the dining room.”

“On their way out, they heard the drone and saw it crash into the dining room. He and all the soldiers from the unit who were sitting closest to the impact site were saved in a neis in the zechus of the mitzvah of Mayim Achronim.”

The father, who works in the Ramot neighborhood of Jerusalem, told his friends and acquaintances on Monday about how his son was spared, causing a Kiddush Hashem and chizzuk in the mitzvah of Mayim Achronim.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

15 Responses

  1. What is truly amazing is that the mishna in eruvin says soldiers (at a battle camp) are peturim from netilas yadayim, and the gemara explains that that is for mayim rishonim, but that they are still mechuyavim in mayim acharonim!

  2. What about the people who rely on the opinion in the shulchan aruch that we do not need to wash mayim acharonim today because we don’t have melach sedomit? Does Hashem want them blown up? That puts me in an awkward position.

  3. itchik:
    There are numerous problems with that analogy including that the Zionist army makes Jew less safe due to its core heretical and idolatrous ideology (and active brainwashing) of Zionism and also that army’s causing its recruits to violate sins, including one or more of the three inviolable sins which are A”Z, G”A and S”D.

    Unless your pants and shirts have shaatnez or violate tznius (even for men), there is likely no concern there.

  4. @Lurker
    You misunderstand what the concept of “a zchus” is.
    It’s not that those who don’t deserved to get punished. It’s that those who DID do it get extra protection

  5. Haschem protects us in the merit of those who learn Torah and keep it.
    IDF, only Hischtadlus, not thé main thing.
    Our underware comes also from H’ thru all means.
    He even personally clothed our first parents, Adam and Eve.
    Maim Acharoim has big secrets of the Torah involved. Melach Sdomis ist just the cover up.

  6. It’s so sad that we didn’t have this protection in the time of the chachmei Chazal. Maybe the assara harugei malchus wouldn’t have happened! Crazy!

  7. @To all of those making fun of the fact that a mitzva could proctet from harm.

    Please see Gimoro Misechtes Sota 21. “מצווה מגינה ומצלי”. Rashi explains ; Magina: From pain.

  8. @unommin
    What’s your problem?
    Do you think that people were never saved because of an extra step that they took?
    Your response is stupid and uncalled for.

  9. While we feel great relief that these chayalim were spared from injury, its a bit tone deaf for the families of those kedoshim who were niftar or those critically injured to read that their sons might have been spared had they been aware of the inyan of mayim achronim.

  10. @unommin
    Do you even know why the asarah harugei malchus happened???
    Well, apparently, you don’t…
    They had to get killed as a kaparah for mechiras yosef.
    They were the first ones to be on the level of the shevatim, and therefore
    they were able to be a kaparah for the sin.
    It HAD to happen, it was just a matter of time…and either way,
    are you trying to say that we currently have MORE protection than they did in that time??

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