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Rishon L’Tzion HaRav Dovid Yosef: IDF Soldiers In Combat Are Forbidden To Fast On Yom Kippur

The new Sephardi Chief Rabbi HaGaon HaRav Dovid Yosef paskened that IDF soldiers in active combat in southern Lebanon are forbidden from fasting on Yom Kippur.

In response to a shaila about the matter, HaRav Yosef wrote: “The matter is clear that soldiers who are in active combat are forbidden from fasting on Yom Kippur and they should not be machmir on themselves.”

HaRav Yosef added that the soldiers should not eat in shiurin (שיעורין).

“They do not need and should not eat in shiurin but should eat normally,” he wrote.

HaRav Yosef added: “Regarding soldiers involved in the war but not in active combat and there are concerns that the fast will influence their concentration and decision-making, they should approach their military Rav before Yom Kippur in order to to receive instructions if and how they should fast.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Strongly disagree
    Just because they are allowed to eat something doesn’t mean to go have a big barbecue picnic they can make a drink that has in it enough for them to go that day and if possible drink it fast or slow but don’t put any sugar or salt in it there are a couple of drinks probably now sold that have this enough for a day in the army if that take it without any flavor but to tell them to make a party

  2. Interesting that Shaul HaMelech davka made his soldiers vow to finish their fast to defeat the Pelishtim ..

    I guess we are not there yet ..

  3. @somejewiknow You should do teshuva for your sinful, hurtful statement! The Satmar Rav zt”l would never, ever speak that way! Different views on the State of Israel should not lead to mockery and denigration of brave soldiers risking their lives to protect the Yidden living in Eretz Yisrael.

  4. @.
    Rav Yosef shlit”a didn’t say to barbecue. Are you a poseik? Did you properly analyze the situation at hand before posting your comment?

  5. This is no different than 1973!
    The evil, atheist Zionists always dream up & create a conflict to have Yidden in combat on Yom Kippur to get them to eat.
    My Ruv (& noted Posek) told us a story showing how far the evil, atheist Zionists will go. A boy named Yossele was in combat on Y’K. Around 300′ ahead was a group of Arabs. Sensing something was amiss Yossele shouted, “Netanel!” & one of the Arabs responded in perfect Hebrew, “Yossele, is that you?”
    Imagine the evil of the atheist Zionists sending Yidden into combat as IDF soldiers AND as Arabs all to make them eat on Yom Kippur.

  6. @.says

    Wow, you disagree. You have no idea what you are talking about.

    His psak is talking about those “in active combat.” That means they are in the field, facing the enemy, perhaps being shot at. No one is having parties or throwing a BBQ. That’s your imagination.
    In that situation, it is dangerous not to eat, or even eat “shiurim.” It’s mamash pikuach nefesh. You are not allowed to be machmir.

    His psak also mentions soldiers not in active combat but still on duty whose concentration may be affected. As to those, he advises consulting with a Rav.

    Your post reminds me of a story about R. Chaim Brisker, where a doctor was checking a patient, and asked them to move a light on Shabbos. Someone hesitated, and R. Chaim said, “Don’t listen to him, he’s an am haaretz.” Pikuach Nefesh REQUIRED chillul shabbos in that situation V’hamvin yavin.

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