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YESHIVOS HOLDING FERVENT TEFILLOS: Rafael Mordechai Ben Sora Critically Injured In Hadera Attack

Fervent tefillos are being held on Wednesday following the terror attack in Hadera, which left an avreich from Knesses Yitzchak Yeshivah in the city in critical condition.

Rafael Mordechai ben Sora (Fishoff) was evacuated to Hillel Yaffe Hospital in the city.

His Rosh Yeshivah, HaGaon HaRav Yehoshua Ehrenberg, has instructed kollelim and yeshivos to tear the gates of Shamayim and daven for his refuah.

One of the yeshivos fervently davening is  Yeshivas Beis Matisyahu in Bnei Brak, where the victim’s father, HaGaon HaRav Shraga Tzvi Fishoff, is a Rosh Yeshivah.

The public is asked to join in and daven for the refuah sheleimah of (The name Chaim has been added) Chaim Rafael Mordechai ben Sora b’toch sha’ar cholei Yisrael.


(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Frum Jews in EY. Please come to America and live in safety. We’ll do whatever we can to help you acclimate to a new country. Please come here and we’ll go back together when Moshiach comes. Please.

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