Former Mossad Chief Speaks of Possible Abduction of Iranian Leader

achm.jpgIn an interview given to the German Der Spiegel, Minister of Senior Citizen Affairs (Pensioner Party) Rafi Eitan, a former Mossad Intelligence Agency Director, hinted that Israel may abduct Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who will find himself standing before the International Court of Justice in The Hague. He explained that he must expect “such consequences” since he is seeking to wipe out other nations.

The interview spoke of his mission in which Adolph Eichmann was apprehended by Mossad agents in Buenos Aires, explaining that they could have apprehended Mengele, “The Angel of Death” of Auschwitz, but they opted not to since with the number of agents on the mission, he felt it would risk losing Eichmann. There were other possible targets too, including Gestapo Chief Heinrich Müller, and Hitler’s right-hand man Martin Bormann, but the decision was made to concentrate on Eichmann and not risk the mission.

Over the years he added, prior to his death in 1979, there was one other opportunity to apprehend Mengele he explained, but they were unsuccessful in organizing a mission to apprehend him. He did however add that there was an opportunity to kill him using a sharpshooter, “but it was not about revenge” so that was not done.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. He was not director dut he was a dangerous and cunning mossad agent. When asked why he never carried a gun, he responded by saying ” I prefer to kill with hands”.

  2. Well, a hint like this is as good as hinting via a propeller plane with an advertising banner or an announcement on the Emergency Broadcasting System.

  3. I have a better idea. Instead of risking the lives of the mossad agents, send a few curise missles when he is spewing his hate speechs.

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