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NO MASS TEFILLOS: IDF Issues Restrictions On Jerusalem, Tel Aviv: Erev RH Selichos Canceled

In accordance with an assessment by the Home Front Command, and in light of recent developments in the war with Hezbollah, the Home Front Command on Tuesday published tightened restrictions on the public in a number of areas, including Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, the northern Shomron, and the Sharon and Carmel areas.

The announcement follows the rocket fire on the Tel Aviv area on Tuesday morning. The restrictions began today, October 1, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. and will remain in effect until 8:00 p.m. on Motzei Shabbos, October 5.

Gatherings in these areas are restricted to 30 people outdoors and 300 people indoors, a restriction that has major implications for Rosh Hashanah tefillos, especially at Chassidish courts.

Beaches will be closed. Other places, such as children’s activities and workplaces are allowed to be open only if a nearby shelter is accessible.

Following the Home Front Command’s announcement, the annual Erev Rosh Hashanah mass Selichos ceremony at the Kosel was canceled and instead will be broadcast live.

Currently, there are no restrictions at Ben-Gurion Airport and flights are landing and taking off as usual.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Closure of beaches ⛱️ is good that חילונים not appropriate way to be there during ונתנה תוקף hours, but no good that hampering numerous תשליך venues

  2. Let us see restrictions on concerts and not selichos!! If anyone thinks for 1 second that this makes sense……we cannot trust the Israeli government for anything

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