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Report: Iran Is Sending Thousands Of Militants To Lebanon, Syria

Bloomberg News reported that Iran is trying to move thousands of militants to the border areas of Lebanon and Syria.

The report said that over the past two months, several thousand fighters have moved from Iraq to Syria, suggesting that Iran is gearing up to strengthen its deterrence.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry responded to the Bloomberg report, stating that “Lebanon is capable of defending itself against Israeli attacks and there’s no need to send Iranian forces.”

As YWN reported last week, the IDF is concerned about 40,000 mercenaries and militia volunteers from Yemen, Iraq, and other countries who have gathered in Syria near Ramat HaGolan.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. ” IDF is concerned about 40,000 mercenaries and militia volunteers from Yemen, Iraq, and other countries who have gathered in Syria near Ramat HaGolan.”

    so they know where they are? they can’t just dump a few bombs on them?

    yeah i know nothing’s simple and I know NOTHING about how armies operate. I’m just wondering.

  2. “militants”???

    They look like soldiers to me. The Iranians hope they are special forces (commandos) rather than unenthusiastic conscripts. What Biden is afraid of is that Iran will send in troops, and the Israelis will launch a full scale attack on Iran (a normal response when your neighbors invade), and the Russians and Chinese will get drawn, and Biden will be remember (along with Putin and Xi) as the one who started off the Dark Ages (if you destroy move the major cities and disrupt international trade it will go poorly).

    One should also note that most Muslims who live near Israel speak Arabic and are Sunnis, and the Iranians speak Farsi and are Shiites, so the Israeli should try to use this to their advantage.

  3. Also from the Taliban the people that fought USA for years in the hills and cost trillions without anything but some old gun are coming to use some s400 in Israel these men fight till the death with all the might not like Israeli that want to go to France and have ice cream

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