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IS HE DEAD? Photo From IDF Underground Bunker Shows Question Mark On Photo of Sinwar

On Sunday afternoon, Chief of the General Staff, LTG Herzi Halevi, released photos showing him observing the Israeli airstrikes in Yemen. Notably, the images also reveal Hezbollah and Hamas leadership displayed on a wall nearby.

On the left side of the display, Hezbollah’s entire command structure is visible, with the majority of individuals marked with a “Red X,” signifying their elimination. Only three members remain unmarked. On the right side, showing Hamas leadership, the photo of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar bears a “Question Mark,” indicating uncertainty about his status.

this leaves many to wonder if the IDF appears to be unsure whether Sinwar is alive or dead.

Last week, YWN reported that the military was investigating the possibility that Sinwar had been killed in a recent IDF airstrike.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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