Pindrus: “The Funds You Cut To Yeshivos Is Exactly The Amount Moody’s Downgraded”


UTJ MK Yitzhak Pindrus spoke from the Knesset podium on Sunday and said Moody’s decision to lower Israel’s credit rating was due to the budget cuts to yeshivos.

Moody’s on Friday downgraded Israel’s credit rating two notches to “Baa1” from “A2.”

According to Pindrus, the cost of the rating downgrade is 350 million shekels.

“The actual amount that will be affected by the downgrade and the cost of credit is of 350 million shekels, not seven billion,” Pindrus said.

“There’s a midrash about Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai who convinced his nephews to give tzedaka. By year-end, the minister came and asked them for a tax – and jailed them. The family came to Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai and told him about it. Rabbi Shimon replied: ‘Check how much they actually gave in charity. For the amount they gave, they won’t have to pay tax. On the difference – they will.'”

“Do you know what 350 million shekels is?” Pindrus asked. “That’s the amount you cut from the yeshiva world; you will have to pay that amount.”

It should be noted that the decision to cut the funding to yeshivos was not made by the current government but by Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara and the Supreme Court.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

16 Responses


  2. simply filthy and disgusting Lentil soupers…..the worse of them all, stop loving Christians. stop demeaning your own people, stop stop stop……

  3. Pindrus is not a prophet, he’s a politician.

    The cost of having such a large portion of society not employed is one of the reasons why moody lowered its rating.

    There’s room for scholars in every society. Theres no room for a society where everyone is a scholar and lives off the public dole.

    The Torah doesn’t speak favourably about this.

  4. Renski:
    מוציא שם רע
    On our wonderful and special Avreichim and Rabbonim.
    כל הדן את חבירו לכף זכות
    השם ידון אותו גם כן לכף זכות

  5. To Rabbi Dovid
    First of all the Israeli government doesn’t allow them to work. The Avreichim can’t get a work permit.
    All of a sudden now Moody lowered the rating. Avreichim are learning full time since about 1950-nothing new this month.
    The Rabbonim are telling us that our Torah will protect
    כל עם ישראל
    Obviously, we need to perfect the Mitzva of talking only Torah in Shul or a Bais Medrash
    Learning during
    חזרת השליח ציבור
    Not a good idea
    Also we need to perfect the Mitzva of
    לדון את חבירו לכף זכות
    If we judge people in a favorable manner
    Then the Lashon HaRah won’t even exist because there is no Lashon HaRah due to the fact that we are judging people in a favorable manner .
    Now after all this, our Torah will become a super powerful mind boggling protection.

  6. I’d be very interested in seeing MK Pindrus’s computation of the difference in interest costs vs. the amount not being paid to Chareidi institutions. I also think MK Pindrus should look at the reasons cited my Moody’s for their cut – part of it has to do with the long-term unsustainability of the current economic policies being pushed by Finance Minister Smotrich – which include continued financing of Chareidi entities.

    @avraham – the Israeli government does not “prevent” avreichim from working by denying a work permit. Under Israeli law, one can not work without having served in the army unless one has an exemption from army service. Such exemption can be granted for physical or mental health reasons at any age, but is also granted at age 26 to anyone who has not yet served – so an avreich who has not served can get his exemption at age 26 and go out to work, with no “work permit” needed.

    As to the number of Chareidim in full-time learning – until Begin became Prime Minister, there were 800 deferrals granted per year. Saying that the percentage has been unchanged since the 1950s (when the original number was 400) is simply not true.

    You are entitled to your own views on the merits of granting deferrals and supporting Chareidim who are purportedly sitting and learning. What you are not entitled to, though, are your own facts.

    an Israeli Yid

  7. Regardless who enlists in the IDF and who doesnt, it is unconscionable and the total antithesis to Torah to NOT actively zealously, enthusiastically and publicly thank the members of the IDF, care for their children, their wives, their families! Have you seen or heard of any of the Rabonim, Roshei Yeshiva etc, being mevaker choleh, eing menachem oveil, caring for the orphans, widows of those who sacrificed their lives? Forget about even thanking them!!! Is this Authentic Torah??

  8. I want to ask a question, before the war, was our economy not good? Whose this Moody company anyway? Forgive the ignorance. When i first heard about them, i thought it was a political move. Bli ayin hora our economy has always been good, who in Israel has suffered financially because of the Yeshivas being subsidised, why do we make such a fuss about giving, also there are a lot of Chareidim who work, if not the men studying in Yeshivas, then their wives. I can understand us being angry because of dishonesty and corruption in the Yeshiva world that must be called out, but why cut subsidies if Israelis arnt suffering for it, i dont believe in taking away from one to give to another, it must all be shared out equally, as far as the army is concerned each case should be treated seperately, not one blanket call up, i understand we need soldiers and whose got time in a war, and logistically it may be difficult, but its important not to create a divide in our society. UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL. Also look in the war how the Chareidim have come to the party. 7 Oct many Chareidi died help their fellow Jews They are generally very kind people, of course not all. Look how they have been there for the soldiers. It would be better to find a way not to have wars, that cost an arm and a leg literally, stop bringing the enemy closer by giving away land. The situation we are in right now is because we have been kind to the cruel and cruel to the kind I apologise for being so opinionated.

  9. I want to ask a question, before the war, was our economy not good? Whose this Moody company anyway? Forgive the ignorance. When i first heard about them, i thought it was a political move. Bli ayin hora our economy has always been good, who in Israel has suffered financially because of the Yeshivas being subsidised, why do we make such a fuss about giving, also there are a lot of Chareidim who work, if not the men studying in Yeshivas, then their wives. I can understand us being angry because of dishonesty and corruption in the Yeshiva world that must be called out, but why cut subsidies if Israelis arnt suffering for it, i dont believe in taking away from one to give to another, it must all be shared out equally, as far as the army is concerned each case should be treated seperately, not one blanket call up, i understand we need soldiers and whose got time in a war, and logistically it may be difficult, but its important not to create a divide in our society. UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL. Also look in the war how the Chareidim have come to the party. 7 Oct many Chareidi died help their fellow Jews They are generally very kind people, of course not all. Look how they have been there for the soldiers. It would be better to find a way not to have wars, that cost an arm and a leg literally, stop bringing the enemy closer by giving away land. The situation we are in right now is because we have been kind to the cruel and cruel to the kind. Rather find a way to stop these wars. I apologise for being so opinionated.

  10. @An Israeli Yid
    YOU are not entitled to post facts nor entitled to post logical arguments nor entitled to post substantiated claims in this comments section.
    The minhag here is that comments are to be hyperbolic, filled with empty bluster, and ad hominem.

  11. We have so many unemployed because of the war thats why Moody has downgraded, perhaps some of the Chareidim can be trained to take care of businesses in a war, while their owners are fighting, so the businesses dont go insolvent, instead of going to the army or something…..

  12. Ibj
    i think Moody lowered the rate because of the high unemployment, all the businessmen are in the army😭. Chareidim should be trained to work in businesses in times of war.

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