WHERE IS TRUMP’S STATEMENT? Kamala Harris, Joe Biden Applaud Israel’s Assassination Of Hassan Nasrallah

Vice President Kamala Harris, right, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appear before a meeting at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on the White House complex in Washington, Thursday, July 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson)

In the wake of the death of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden have issued official statements, acknowledging his long history of violence and terror in the Middle East, and reaffirming their unwavering support for Israel.

Vice President Harris emphasized Nasrallah’s role in destabilizing the region and his responsibility for countless deaths. “Hassan Nasrallah was a terrorist with American blood on his hands,” she said. She pointed to his leadership of Hezbollah as a catalyst for decades of conflict, leading to the loss of innocent lives in Lebanon, Israel, Syria, and across the globe. Harris also underscored her commitment to Israel’s security, stating, “I will always support Israel’s right to defend itself against Iran and Iran-backed terrorist groups such as Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis.”

President Biden echoed similar sentiments in his statement, noting that Nasrallah and Hezbollah were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans over the past four decades. “His death from an Israeli airstrike is a measure of justice for his many victims,” Biden said. He highlighted the broader context of Nasrallah’s death, pointing to the escalation of conflict after Hamas’s attack on Israel on October 7, and Nasrallah’s decision to join forces with Hamas in what he called the “northern front” against Israel.

Both leaders reaffirmed their commitment to de-escalating the conflicts in Gaza and Lebanon through diplomatic channels. President Biden emphasized that the U.S. fully supports Israel’s right to defend itself against terrorist groups supported by Iran, and Vice President Harris stated that diplomacy remains the best path forward to protect civilians and ensure long-term stability in the region.

Meanwhile, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump – who emphasizes his strong support for Israel – has not yet made any public comment or statement regarding Nasrallah’s overdue death.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

44 Responses

  1. Ridiculous question. Trump’s not in need of any such statement. He’s proven time and again a steadfast supporter of Israel. More so than any other president in US history. Bar none.
    The 2 fraudsters you quote having made statements are the ones who need to clean up their act vis a vis Israel and Jews.

  2. Trump, who can’t ever keep his fat mouth shut for a SECOND on social media – NOT FOR A SECOND – has gone radio silence on this.

    Very strange.

  3. I can’t wait to read every Trump supporter making excuses for Trump on here. Nothing like Yidden who consider this guy Moshiach. It’s incredible to watch everyone always answer and make excuses for him.

    PS: I voted Trump twice, and will vote for him a third time.

  4. He says it in every speach he gives at a campaign, that Israel should get the job done..

    All Kamala and Biden have been saying was we need a cease fire..

    Take care YWN I’ll be deleting this app from my phone now!!!

    Maybe put out news that your crowd wants to hear in the future!

  5. @B_rains – Go ahead delete the app. Is this North Korea?

    Fact is, this is the presidential candidate. He hasn’t said a WORD about Israelis greatest military and intelligence achievement in the past 50 years.

    That is a serious question that a reputable news website like YWN can ask.

    You don’t like that? Go ahead. Stick your head in the sand and get lost. What a pathetically unintelligent person you must be!

    How small minded and warped have Jews become, that you can no longer question ANYTHING Trump says or does – or in this case, doesn’t do?

  6. I’m a die hard Trump supporter. I think it is very strange that Trump didn’t say anything. Valid point. Not sure why the hate against YWN here.

  7. Sadly, YWN’s one-sided reporting may cost us votes in this crucial election, where every voice matters. After reading their second biased article against Trump, I’m switching to Frum news outlets who do have sechel yashar.

  8. Biden and Harris have not demonstrated “unwavering support” for Israel — they have acted to restrict Israel by restricting some arms sales and slow-rolling others. They also pressured Israel to not go into Rafiah, not increase defensive attacks into Lebanon, etc. As a result, Israel delayed acting in Gaza, which contributed to more hostage deaths than would have been the case if Israel went full bore into Gaza at the beginning (as Israel originally wanted to do).

    In short, a Harris presidency would be a real danger to Israel. Her political base includes a heavy dose of anti-Semitic Moslems. Her advisors are largely anti-Semites.
    By contrast, Trump has a proven record of actions that support Israel — he is a philo-Semite.

  9. You never know how a meshugena reacts. He hopes to get some more Arab votes by keeping quiet. I will vote for him because he’s still much better than Harris.

  10. Trump sometimes checks out. It’s true. But every single Jew must vote for him. He loves Israel, Harris is a fool a bigot and a traitor she hates Israel with every fiber of her rotten gut. She hates America even more.

  11. If a major event happened with your spouse or sibling would you have to officially let the world know you support them?
    Of course not!!! It’s obvious!
    Same here. Trump is such an Ohev Yisroel, the most Pro-Israel leader in world history.
    the best friend & biggest supporter of Jews (unless he loses the election).
    He lives & breaths the Jewish leadership qualities of modesty, Menschlichkeit & Erhlichkeit.
    A congregant asked our Ruv (& noted Posek) if it would be allowed during Shofar to focus on the crowning of Trump as ruler of the world & precursor to Moshiach.
    My Ruv’s response, “Eh, couldn’t hurt.”

  12. Trump already made his statement a few months back when he said “You know, Hezbollah is very smart, They’re all very smart.” Now he is probably too busy campaigning with Mark Robinson in North Carolina and Vance is too busy running around with Tucker Carlson to say anything further.

  13. I’m not sure if the affirmation that they support Israel’s “right to defend itself” is asinine or evil. And if they don’t support it, are they suggesting Israel just allows itself to be attacked and not respond and retaliate?! Netanyahu stated it very clearly, הבא להרגך, השכם להרגו. And it’s that right to be on the offensive that America has to recognize and support. And sell them the arms needed and leave the strategic decisions to be made by the Israeli military that has boots on the ground. Not meddling and hamstringing and censoring what they in their narrow mindedness don’t approve of.

  14. Well he doesn’t need to make a comment everyone knows that he supports Israel. He made the Abraham Accords approved the Golan Heights. I mean come on, just get real about this, Kamala Harris’s niece is fundraising for Palestine children relief a.k.a Hamas. Staff should immediately pull this piece of left wing propaganda down. Look at what was reported on Breitbart: “Vice President Kamala Harris has close ties to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a radical organization whose executive director celebrated the October 7 Hamas terror attack on Israel.”

  15. What an idiotic question; it insinuates Trump doesnt approve of what Israel did.
    YWN has shown it self again to be suffering from a severe case of TDS!

  16. all of America and her peoples are nuts…..shame on you, yidden, shame period on your words ….Trump doesn’t keep shabbos and that is a hoot of lies……Ivanka doesn’t keep shabbos either, nor does her dress code fit the heart and soul of a jew…she is a goy al the way through and through and so are most converts as well..shame…..when one becomes one of us, it is all the way….no more families to talk of or share……shameful you are all going shopping to save your selves….I loathe all of you period

  17. This ywn is so misleading! This operation needs a statement? Trump would have done it himself if he was in office ! Shame on you ! Costing trump votes for a couple of dollars!

  18. Ok, here’s a moshel for the slow kids in the back of the room, you remember when you went to your best friend’s vort and the guys who aren’t so close to the chosson have to be extra geshmak just to try to prove to the whole world that they belong there, and with a little smile or wink to your best friend the chosson, all is right in the world, well guys, figure out the nimshol (Trump doesn’t have to prove a thing to the world about his support for Israel)




  20. No “shoita gamur” you would still be criticizing Trump. The audience at the event where he supposedly said it would be “the Jews'” fault if he lost the election didn’tthink anything bad of it, yet all the lefty news outlets and Jino organizations piled on to expose Orange Man’s “antisemitism” once again.

  21. Maybe Trump is scared because dictator Vlad who (strategically) allied himself with islamofascists-Mullahcracy in Tehran denounced it? He needs more of their genocidal drones.

  22. “reaffirming their unwavering support for Israel”

    I would hardly call withholding armaments unwavering support.

    I would hardly call undermining Osrael by demanding a ceasefire whenever Israel gains the upper hand unwavering support.

    I would hardly call saying Israel needs to do more to protect enemy civilians despite Israel’s unprecedented steps to do just that- unwavering support.

  23. YWN has stated the news that Nashrallah is dead. Yet, they haven’t issued a statement about it!!

    YWN is a joke. I used to be triggered by your nonsense criticisms of Trump. I’ve learned it’s simply clickbait. You like being sensational. Maybe it’s good for ratings.

    Oh, and for all the other comments holding Trump to the fire, grow up.

    The man isn’t Jewish.
    He has no reason to love Israel.
    Israel is simply an ally.
    An ally America does more for than they do for America.

    Yet, he has been the best American President for Israel since Truman. (You know it too). But still all you clowns want daily reports for him to prove his bona fides.

    Stop being so arrogant. We recognize and are grateful for what Trump has done for Israel. But we also know he doesn’t owe us anything.

    Go run and be giddy with those who clearly hate the Jews bec they smiled at you before they shoved their sword into your chest. Pathetic.

  24. YWN , I give you credit for having the guts to comment the way you did .However , please read all the comments & retract your article . Although , we should be Dann L’Kav Zechus . Perhaps you had too much to drink this Shabbos

  25. In two days Trump will probably say that he condemns terrorists but some people in Beirut are just defending their heritage and that their are very fine people on both sides.

  26. If the Biden-Harris statement ends with them still calling for a ceasefire, the comparisons are off. Trump may have his on/off moments with Israel personally, but all in all supports them 100%. This time he left the statement to his son-in-law, who did a great job at that.

  27. If Biden wanted he could force a ceasefire like W. in 2006 and Reagan in 1982. But “supporting israel” means being a footsoldier for the world conservative movement.

  28. Please don’t forget that Pres. Trump has a bounty on his head from Iran, and DHS, FBI, Secret Service will not provide the proper security he needs. Pres. Trump has to be careful what he says publicly. We know he is a big supporter of Israel and sensitive to the needs of the Jewish communities. Let’s also not forget that he pardoned Rabbi Shalom Mordechai Rubashkin from an unjust long prison sentence. He may not be a perfect human being, but he still stands on the right side of history and we need to be grateful for his wonderful accomplishments to this country and the rest of the freedom loving world.

    Mr. owner of YWN (and I know your name): You are a sensationalist and I’m suspicious you get well paid off by the mainstream woke left media. You definitely were a shill for big Pharma and probably well compensated by constantly pushing the propaganda for the deadly and dangerous covid shots. You promoted the lies that Rav Kanievsky ZT’L said everyone, including pregnant women and children must take those shots, when we well know that it was a manipulation of the Israeli Ministry of Health and Rav Kanievsky’s handlers. How many people believed the propaganda and ran and took those shots and now are either dead or suffering terrible lifelong side effects. How many young fathers died suddenly and left yesomin and almonos and how many pregnant women miscarried or had stillbirths or babies born with heart defects and cancer because of your spreading false information? You have a lot to answer after 120.

    Yes folks, it’s time for us to delete the YWN app from our phones.

  29. Never laughed so hard in my entire life at how sick these comments are.


    I have a Trump flag on my car, and am simply shocked at the comments. I don’t even know what to say, but if chas vesholom Trump loses, the therapists and mental health professionals will be busy in overtime.

    How did people become so unhealthy? From a one line decent respectable question?

  30. trump supporters will have an answer for anything and everything. typical claassic textboox cultists. nothing can ever be questioned. deranged folks.

  31. Ridiculous article. All you need to know is that when Trump was president America actively killed terrorists. Isis ruled large parts of the Middle East. Obama said they were just too strong. We couldn’t do anything about it. Trump released our troops to kill them, and Isis was completely destroyed shortly there after. Trump assassinated other enemies of civilization. When Trump was in office bad people were killed.

    In contrast, Isreal hid this entire operation and the exploding pages and also the exploding walkie-talkies from the United States of America. Why? Obviously, because they thought that agents within the administration would leak information to the enemies of civilization, enemies of Israel, and the enemies of the United States. The fact that Isreal is now hiding all of their operations from the United States is an extraordinary development. That really is the story. The current administration is so untrustworthy to defend western civilization that actions must be hidden for fear that they will compromise the operations.

    In summary when Donald Trump is president, our military forces are unleashed, and the enemies of the United States are struck hard. With the current administration, not only do we surrender and cower before Iran and the rest of the terrorists, but we surrender to them such as an Afghanistan and allow them freedom of action and billions of dollars of American equipment to continue terrorism. That anyone of even average intelligence could not understand this is crinkly appalling.

  32. What a classically ridiculous article by YWN. Trump’s “he died like a dog” speech while president will go down in history as epic.

    You know he’s not the president now, right? And that he’s offered tangible support to Israel when he was in power to do so. And that he’s said Israel should finish the job, right?

  33. Trump at this point can not comment on any Assasination attempt no matter how bad the person was, as he is also on an assasination list

  34. What a ridiculous headline! I give zero credit to Biden and Harris. Words mean nothing. Everything they have said and done over the past few years in general, and specifically, since Oct 7, speak volumes. They literally are withholding the exact same bombs Israel used to eliminate Nasrallah! Trump has no need to issue “statements”, he is not a sitting President! Presidents and Vice Presidents issue statements, empty as they may be. But they do issue statements. Why in heavens name do you need Trump to issue a statement??? Do you seriously question what his thought process is on this, whether he is happy at the death of this arch terrorist?

  35. Trump’s surrogates are telling Arab Americans in Israel that Kamala Harris is too supportive of Israel and that Trump will be fair and balanced. Trump’s people are probably testing different responses with focus groups in Dearborn.

    The idea that Trump is a great supporter of Israel is disproven by the fact that he opposed the Ukraine Israel Taiwan aid bill, Vance voted against it, and Trump picked Vance as his running mate days later. Trump and Vance tried to withhold all aid from Israel and hypocrites here complain about the mix of weapons Biden is sending. But the stupidity of the Trump Cult is proven by the commenter who called Trump “the best American President for Israel since Truman”. Truman slapped an arms embargo on Israel that would not be removed until Kennedy was President. That is the logic where they can support Trump and Vance who effectively wanted the same thing just months ago.

  36. Now we know this was a trick headline. Cover for Biden’s treacherous call to bibi to not escalate further and press his advantage and completely rout hizballah. Including not attacking the houthis. How gullible and feckless of ywn to let itself to be so used!

  37. Trump has also said nothing about the horrible storm that just devastated much of the Southeastern US.

    But he did say this:

    “Crooked Joe Biden became mentally impaired. Sad. But lying Kamala Harris, honestly, I believe she was born that way. There’s something wrong with Kamala. And I just don’t know what it is, but there is definitely something missing. And you know what, everybody knows it.”

    Trump is claiming that the person who devastated him in the debate is mentally impaired. What does that say abouy himself?

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