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Explosive Drone Fired By Iranian-Backed Iraqi Militia Hits IDF Base

One of the drones fired by the “Islamic Resistance” – an Iranian-backed Iraqi militia – overnight Tuesday hit the Ramon Airbase in the Negev.

The strike caused extensive damage (as can be seen in the videos below) but b’chasdei Hashem no one was injured.

Further details are unknown at this time as the incident is still under a gag order in Israel.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. BH, no one was injured! Hashem should protect all the soldiers and all of Klal Yisroel!
    A request from YWN, Please edit the audio portions of the videos, we don’t need to hear the inappropriate language that I’ve already heard twice in videos of this nature.
    Yasher koach!

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