Investigation Launched After Officers Caught Brutally Beating Chareidi Protesters in Beit Shemesh

Israel Police Commissioner Daniel Levy has ordered an immediate investigation after video footage surfaced showing police officers using batons to brutally beat Chareidi protesters in Beit Shemesh. The demonstrators were protesting against an event being held at a local community center.

In a statement, Levy said, “If it turns out during the inspection that the police officers acted illegally, they will be dealt with severely.” The incident, which took place earlier this evening, has sparked outrage after the footage showed officers forcefully dispersing the protesters.

The investigation will determine whether the officers involved acted within the bounds of the law or used excessive force during the protest. The case has drawn attention to the methods used by law enforcement in dealing with protests, particularly within the Chareidi community.

Further details are expected to emerge as the investigation unfolds.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

23 Responses

  1. For these police man its not called protesting it like an old Indian ceremony these people beating them was the doctor that came to house of patient to eat his apple from him it was from the complete tumah of people in the land of hashem am thinking of visiting Israel again but will never forget the impurities of the language put on Hebrew to go bies hamikdash and destroy your own soul like it says “you took my oil and” to use it for bad using service to God bringing sacrifice for complete evil and maybe they are “protecting” themselves but definitely not protecting us or the”Jewish people” who wants to come and speak to moshiach on the blood of these persons the medina will soon end

  2. why are they even trying to ship the yeshiva bochurim who, like the people at the hafgana, don’t know how to hurt someone – let alone fight back …. these vicious israeli police officers are perfect for Gaza or Lebanon

    furthermore if this is how they treat us, why do they think we would fight in their army?

  3. My guess is that the crowd may be protesting in front of a building where someone alerted the authorities, leading to the suspicion of a crazy mob and not a protesting crowd. This assumption may have worried the authorities, leading to the officers dealing with the situation according to what they legally should do in the situation of a crazed mob. Even though it may not have been a dangerous situation at all.

  4. a shandah! no ahavas yisroel practiced here! i am positive that they wouldnt treat their dogs in this manner. such fine yiden beaten mercilessly. apparently these policemen dont know the first rule in the torah that hillel hatzadik taught.

  5. An 11 second video fails to provide any context for the police actions and whether there was any justification (doubtful) for engaging in what appears to be an excessive use of force to disperse the demonstrators.

  6. How else is the Police supposed to deal with these lazy demonstrators. They just lie down and block traffic at the most crucial times. Just look how quickly these guys got themselves up and away from there.

  7. The cops evilness is very telling

    The video speaks for itself, no one should be justifying an evil act on their own brothers

  8. I just created an account to respond to this post.
    While I condemn police violence I’ll give a little context about what went down here because i was there.
    There was an event helping frum people find learning programs to help them get a hob. The protesters are against any secular studies (Im talking about upstanding jobs like, programming, bookkeeping, engineering, medical care etc).
    These protesters are a nuisance and all the other frum people cant stand them.
    They are against providing a honest income to support one’s family.
    They have no middos and certainly need to work on their Ahavas Yisrael, calling degrading names to other religious people. People are scared of them and they are a huge chilul hashem.
    I would like to add that there were many refined chasid guys inside the event that do not agree with protesters and try to distance themselves from them, and are yirai shamim and ohavi yisrael.
    The protesters are a plague to places like Beit shemesh where a wide range of jews from different parts of yhe spectrum want to live together in harmony especially in the new neighborhood where the protest took place, but are all offended by the constant barrage of protests.
    Especially anglos who move to Israel andchoose to live in RBS,that are seeking a high quality lifestyle free of sinahs chinam.
    I hope that these people repent from their distorted ways and see that there are 70 paths to Hashem and that their “Kanos” is not necessarily coming from a good place.
    May we see Mashiach soon and may all jews learn to love each other freely without judgment!

  9. I wasnt there but in rbsד where this took place the shopkeepers live in the same buildings as the ‘protesters’. everyone has enough of these people disturbing the neighborhood in various ways. we need to learn how to get along with each other. that means going out of our way not to bother anyone else from whatever we do. also dialogue is lacking

  10. Please share what event they were protesting. It might sound different if you let the audience know that they are protesting young charedi men trying to learn skills for the work force. I live two minutes from where this was. I don’t like the cops. They’re all terrible at their jobs. But, I also took down signs advertising this protest in shul. The chevra protesting should go live somewhere else. The vast majority of the community doesn’t want them or their scare tactics.

  11. Don’t hold your breath for the outcome of the investigation, rarely an Israeli police officer has been sentenced for brutality against chareidim or right wing protesters.

  12. Just to add some more context, the police were called by frum charedi law abiding citizens to protect them from these menaces dressed up on chasidic garb. Their is absolutely nothing g-d fearing about these graffiti spraying, slandering “protesters “.
    Although i dont think excessive police force should have been used, personally I hope maybe this will make them think twice before they block public transportation and access to buildings.
    These are same “kanoim” that spat on a female relative of mine because she was sitting at a park bench talking to her female friend at night and it wasn’t up to their standards to have woman in parks at night because they own the city.
    I understand that this may come off as personal, because it is, Im seeing a beautiful brand new neighborhood turning into a madhouse.
    Again Ill end off on a positive note and pray that these lost souls find real purpose and I understand a lot of it is their upbringing. Ultimately at least they think they’re doing the right thing although they’re not.

  13. Israel is no democracy; it is a dictatorship. No democracy would violate such freedom of expression, assembly and protest. Only Israel. And when the zionazis wouldn’t dare do what they did here to Israeli-Arab protesters.

  14. @mindyourownbusiness,
    You have to realise that apparently ahavas yisrael doesn’t apply to ehrliche religious Jews.
    Only mechalalei shabbat, drug smokers, self proclaimed haters of Hashem etc.
    Yes that is the world we live in, just scroll down and look at the ignorant (hopefully nothing more) comment by @Factual1:
    immature nonsense like “They are against providing a honest income to support one’s family.” (note: it was the zionists that tried to make it illegal for religious Jews to get Jobs, unless they go through a shmad course first, which mildly had to do with the job, but the main point being “transforming” the chareidi into a “mentch”).

  15. What’s the most funny part are these contradictory self-framing hypocritical comments by @Factual1:
    “They have no middos and certainly need to work on their Ahavas Yisrael, calling degrading names to other religious people.”
    So as i said above, only they don’t have ahavat yisrael (probably the irreligious do…. yeh right), just wondering factual1 do you love these guys, or does it not apply to them only to people who break every avera in the Torah?
    And by reading your comments here, the only one calling degrading names to other religious Jews is you so yeh.
    And by the way, if the “other religious jews” that you were referring to are the Russian/Arab sometimes isreali animal police that are rightfully called nazi’s, than i fully support that, especially after seeing full brutality by the nazi police force they are, when they have no problem to – and immensely enjoy as well, to shame and bleed a religious Jew until they lie in puddles of blood. That is a nazi in short, and guess what i have a friend who witnessed this in a much worse situation, where they got a frum yungerman undressed, surrounded by [davka] female soldiers/police/yassam etc, with the men [davka] in the back not getting involved, laughing, smoking and drinking whilst watching the grisly movie, and the female police taking their guns and smashing it into the poor guy head-to-toe.
    BUt hey, you probably love these guys under your reformed judaism’s form of the mitzvah of “ahavat yisrael”, but not for the poor guy being beaten to bits, because he’s religious and was at a protest.
    SHame on you!

    And then the finale “Especially anglos who move to Israel andchoose to live in RBS,that are seeking a high quality lifestyle free of sinahs chinam”.

    What utter rubbish you actually make me laugh.
    Ramat Bet, Daled heh, the kiryah the locations of the huge minority, over there there is near to none sinat chinam…. Neighbours live in peace one with the other….
    However, in Ramat Bet Shemesh whether it is alef, or the new neighbourhoods that intentionally seek to break the Torah in whatever way they can in order to wind up the frum and pious in the community, you shout at them.
    The calling for a day of uprising, requesting men and boys to mingle with women and girls, to bring out the BBQ’s and blare irreligious music, women voices preferably etc, that is all part of your “sinat chinam free” bubble.
    I just wonder if such a story was the context behind your family member being spat on, in which case they solely deserve it, for trying to instigate and create a noise by being over on the worst.

  16. To me the only thing that matters is the halacha, if the police are halachikly alowed to force them away, then we cannot say they did something wrong.(the western idea of police brutality must be seen within the lens of halacha, however to declare right and wrong from any other perspective is a zilzul of din vaemes) See chazon ish in emuna ubitachon about having complaints against others for non halachik reasons.
    See beginning of פרק המניח about how to deal with somone blocking רשות הרבים. That is the halacha you can kick them away from a חושן משפט perspective. To say the non frum must be wrong is עיוות הדין, (imagine if a dayan would decide a din Torah based on who is frum is right and the Zionist is wrong, that is literal עיוות הדין.)
    רחמנא ליצלן מהשקר והמיעוט של הבנת האמת

  17. pure yiddishkeit. Halachikly you are correct that the female officer in this video is against halacha, to me there is many proofs that a woman should not be enforcing the law in that capacity and it is assur gamur. But the men are totally allowed to enforce the law, wether they are רשעים is true אכזריות forsure, but that’s not relevant to the fact that they they can follow halacha and force someone out of רשות הרבים. In regard to if halacha allows the protesters to block רשות הרבים am not sure if it’s so pashut, obviously to block somone from doing a issur like driving on shabbos is mutar to stop him from doing that (I have מקורות to this) but if the protests is legitimately taking away a person’s ability to use רשות הרבים it would seem to be a איסור גזל דרבנן or possibly דאורייתא acc to rambam, even though there is no מעשה גזילה.

  18. @pure Yiddishkeit
    If you read my words again carefully youll see that i emphasized that i am against police brutality, and I was in no way sympathizing with them. The focus of my comment was not on the police being right, and obviously there are many problems with the midina, believe me I live here in Israel so I know how corrupt it is, I was just focusing on the fact that the majority of these protesters don’t necessarily have the right intent in mind. I’ve had a similar upbringing to theirs and Ive spoken to many of them so believe me I know. I’ll admit that there are Many that have righteous intents but a big majority don’t. Again I’ll say I do not necessarily agree with the police or the non-religious, the focus of my comments was expressing my disappointment in @YWN’S title, leaving out any context, what the protest was about.
    It was not my sympathy for the police, rather my lack of sympathy for those protesting.
    Just speak to the many Anglos who live here and you’ll see how many agree with me.
    Are you saying that you’re justifying them, that religious men who were seeking to get a job through the event, we’re wrong to do so?
    Also my relative who was ‏then a erlich seminary girl, now I respected mother of the neshei,and who was having a heart to heart conversation with her friend in the park, not causing any noise or disruption certainly not barbecuing or blasting music,was wrong to so so?

    At the at the end of the day it all boils down to what is the halacha, as @honest spirt pointed out.
    I am just speaking as someone who was THERE and SAW what happened, were you there?
    I don’t intend to prove anything to a random stranger who for all I know doesn’t even live in Israel. I’m just sharing the facts as I’ve seen them with my eyes.

  19. I’ll just add, on a more hashkafic note, my personal feelings about being a kanoi. I think that it is adapt for a situation that calls for it, but people who go around with the title of a “full-time kanoi”, are just looking for trouble.

  20. @Factual1
    So you moved away from the upbringing you had (based on the fact that you tell me you were brought up like them, but evidently don’t believe what they believe based on you message above), which may come from some abuse or trauma etc, but a clear bias.

    Besides you didn’t answer my point about the gezera of academia…?

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